For Externals

In order to achieve the objectives of TechLauncher, it is essential that our students engage with the local innovation, business and government communities, as well as the broader community.

Individuals and organisations can engage in the following ways:

Project clients

The core objective of TechLauncher is to have our students work on real-world projects with clients and users from business, government and the broader community. Individuals and organisations from these and other sectors can propose and act as clients for projects to be undertaken by a team of students over the course of one or two semesters.

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Each student team will have a course tutor who will meet with them every week to provide guidance of a general nature (course requirements, professional practice, process and tools etc.). Note that tutors are paid by the university.

Whenever possible, we employ tutors who are practitioners of their discipline.

Commitment. Each tutor will be allocated two teams. They will meet with their teams during a single two-hour session each week. The meeting times are arranged between the team and the tutor. Tutors also contribute to our ‘many eyes’ process, by providing feedback to teams which they tutor.

Tutors will also be involved in various support activities including tutor training, assessment and meetings with the course coordinators. For more detail about the schedule, please read more »

Constraints. We note, that the university provides the following guidance:

  • All teaching must be in English unless explicit permission is sought and received
  • We are explicitly forbidden from having course interactions on non-sanctioned channels. Please stick to Wattle and EdStem, and be in touch in case you do not yet have access.
  • Avoid interactions with enrolled students on social media


Mentors are a critical element of TechLauncher. While all TechLauncher teams meet regularly with a tutor, they often require advise from people with specific expertise not normally available within the university. In order to deal with this, student teams will have access to a pool of experienced mentors who are able to provide specialised advise and assistance on an as-required basis.

If you are interested in being a mentor, please be sure to complete the ‘Areas of Expertise’ field when registering with the TechLauncher Management System (detailed instructions can be found here).

Commitment. There is no specific requirement for mentors to meet regularly with students. Instead, students will request access to mentors on an as-required basis. We hope that mentors are able to meet with students when their expertise is required, but we understand that this will not always be possible.

Mentors are encouraged to engage as much as possible with the program, and will be invited to attend project presentations and other events held during course.

Professional Development

During Techlauncher, students are required to participate in a range of professional development activities such as seminars, workshops, networking events and conferences.

If you are interested in providing a professional development opportunity for students (e.g. giving a talk, running a workshop, facilitating a site visit), please contact one of the Course Convenors.

Commitment. Your commitment will depend on the nature of the activity. However, guest speakers are usually asked to deliver one-hour talks. Normally, this would require around three hours of preparation.

Getting started

TechLauncher participants can register and propose projects using the TechLauncher Management System (detailed instructions can be found here). During the registration process you will be able to select the ways in which you wish to participate in TechLauncher.

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