
The School of Computing has a strong foundation in the computing and information sciences at the ANU. We are a transformative centre for research in artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer systems and software, and theoretical foundations of computing. We span traditional computer science and modern data and computational science.

We are passionate about our mission to deliver high quality impact across research, education and engagement. Our intellectual agenda spans canonical and cutting-edge expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer systems and software, and theoretical foundations of computing. We are driven to provide an excellent student experience by folding real-world problem-solving into our academic programs and providing opportunities for work-integrated learning, industry projects and internships.

We invite you to see how your expertise can be applied in our community, and join us to inspire a new generation of computing professionals and thought-leaders.

Please enjoy browsing our web site. We welcome enquiries from prospective students, from industry and from the public.


Our values are captured in our College’s Strategic Intent

We are committed to being open and inclusive, enabling us to be creative and bold, so that we can achieve meaningful impact.

Be creative and bold

We will foster intellectual and cultural leadership. We will compare ourselves against the best, set high aspirations, and promote a culture that is not averse to risk. We will seek creative solutions for the great challenges of our age. We will be bold in tackling complexity and uncertainty to shape our collective future. We will learn from our failures and successes.

Be open and inclusive

We value a diverse and inclusive community; one that acknowledges, respects, and welcomes differences in expertise, experience, perspective, and access to power. We celebrate the richness diversity brings to creative disciplines and we will be a community that is open to—and representative of—the best of the world around us.

Be meaningfully impactful

We will serve society through our teaching, research, and engagement. Our work affects how people live—shaping societies, governments, and technologies. We will measure our achievements by the positive difference they make in the world.


David Hawking’s History of ANU Computing provides a comprehensive record of the origins of computing at the ANU, from the first undergraduate computer science courses taught within the Department of Statistics in 1971, through creation of the Department of Computer Science in 1976, amalgamation with the Computer Sciences Laboratory in 2004 to form the Research School of Computer Science, to the present day School of Computing within the College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics.

You are on Aboriginal land.

The Australian National University acknowledges, celebrates and pays our respects to the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people of the Canberra region and to all First Nations Australians on whose traditional lands we meet and work, and whose cultures are among the oldest continuing cultures in human history.

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