This is an example page lifted from a course page using the new theme.

Here’s the main ways to get help in this course:

(…example content here…)

Helpful contact info

Here are a few more places you can go and people you can talk to.

Course reps

Your course reps are:


You can get in touch with them at any time with feedback about the course, and you’ll be anonymous (I won’t know who gave the feedback).

CECS Student Services

(02) 6125 4450

CECS Student Experience team

ANU Students’ Association

(02) 6125 2444

ANU Computer Science Students’ Association


You can send course feedback via

General information & support services

If you’ve been studying at the ANU for a while you probably already know about these websites, but here’s a list of various tools/repositories of information to help you in your studies at the ANU.

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