Previous Exams

Year Midterm Final
2024 S1 COMP1100/1130 questions, COMP1130-only questions, and Haskell template and testing files COMP1100/1130 and Haskell template files
2023 S2 COMP1100 and Haskell template files COMP1100 and Haskell template files
2023 S1 COMP1100/1130 and Haskell template files COMP1100/1130 and Haskell template files
2022 S2 COMP1100-ms, and Haskell template files COMP1100-final, and Haskell template files
2022 S1 COMP1100-ms, COMP1130-ms, and Haskell template files COMP1100-final, COMP1130-final, and Haskell template files
2021 S2 COMP1100-ms and Haskell template files COMP1100-final and Haskell template files
2021 S1 COMP1100-mse, COMP1130-mse, and Haskell template files COMP1100-final, COMP1130-final, and Haskell template files
2020 S2 COMP1100-mse, COMP1100-supplementary, COMP1100-practice-1, COMP1100-practice-2 COMP1100, COMP1100-supplementary
2020 S1 Cancelled due to Covid-19 COMP1100 files; COMP1130 files
2019 S2 COMP1100 and Haskell template files COMP1100 and Haskell template files
2019 S1 COMP1100/1130 and Haskell template files COMP1100, COMP1130, and Haskell template files
2018 S2 COMP1100 and Haskell template files COMP1100 and Haskell template files
2018 S1 COMP1100, COMP1130, and Haskell template files COMP1100, COMP1130, and Haskell template files
2017 S1 COMP1100, COMP1130 COMP1100, COMP1130
2016 COMP1100, COMP1130 COMP1100/1130
2015 COMP1100, COMP1130 COMP1100, COMP1130
2014 COMP1100, COMP1130 COMP1100, COMP1130
2013 COMP1100/1130 COMP1100/1130
2012 COMP1100/1130 COMP1100/1130
2011   COMP1100/1130
2010   COMP1100/1130
2009   COMP1100/1130
2008   COMP1100
2007   COMP1100
2006 S2   COMP1100
2006 S1   COMP1100
2005 S2 COMP1100  
2005 S1   COMP1100
2004 S2   COMP1100
2004 S1 COMP1100 COMP1100
2003 S2   COMP1100
2003 S1   COMP1100
2002   COMP1100
2001   COMP1100
2000   COMP1100
1999   COMP1100
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