
Installation instructions for the required software are available for these operating systems:

The installation guide will help you install GHC on your machine. The version of GHC we will use in this course is GHC 9.2.5. It will also guide you through installing VSCode and Git.

It’s important to note that these steps are a general guide only. As your computer may be configured differently to that of other students and/or the course staff, it is possible that these instructions may fail to install Haskell correctly.

Upgrading an old installation

If you followed the instructions on these pages before Monday 20th February 2023, or attempted this course last year, you should update your Haskell software by running all of the following commands in PowerShell (on Windows) or a terminal (on macOS / Linux):

ghcup upgrade
ghcup install ghc 9.2.5 --set
ghcup install cabal --set

(if either of the above commands tell you that the program “is already installed”, or finishes very quickly, that’s OK.)

cabal update
cabal install --lib codeworld-api-0.8.1
cabal install doctest

If any of these commands appears to fail, or shows an error, or you installed the software before last year, you should follow the instructions linked at the top of this page to uninstall the software and install a fresh copy.

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