Week 10: recent developments and beyond

Michael McCullough

Semester 2, 2024


Lab 10 requirements:

fork the MP repository

start some aspect of your MP

commit and push it to gitlab

think about the following questions

“How does this sketch reflect the major project theme? How does this sketch engage the viewer? What is the address of your sketch on the test server?”

instructions.md vs artist statement

In your MP you have an instructions.md file as well as an artist statement.

This file is for explaining how to set up and operate your work, just in case it isn’t intuitive or you have special requirements.

but don’t confuse the instructions file with the artist statement.


We don’t mind if you start with someone elses code or ideas, as long as you change it significantly and put it in your references file.

If you take ideas from somewhere they must go in your references.md, even if you’ve significantly changed the code.

  • A minimum of two references are still required

  • Include all asset files (images, sounds, fonts) in your references.md with full author and source information.

major project

the goal

your major project is an interactive p5 artwork for a hypothetical new-media art exhibition

gallery attendees are able to walk around and may interact with your work

your goal is to provide them with an engaging experience of roughly three minutes exploring the project theme


you can interpret the theme however you like

but read the requirements carefully

Your task: make a start

make a start on your project and have something finished for your lab in week 10.

by your week 10 lab…

everyone should have forked and made at least one commit!

Going beyond and getting up to date

We don’t cover all that there is to know about programming or p5 in this course.

You have enough knowledge to create a great major project!

Now it’s time to look beyond the basics and look at recent developments in Art and Interaction Computing

Why do this?

1720 Students:

  • Get inspired and engaged with what’s happening in the world of interactive art!
  • Engage with the academic discussion!

6720 Students: the above, and it’s a course requirement!

The Recent Developments File

See the major project requirements

If you are a student enrolled in COMP6720, then as an additional task you must explain how your artwork reflects recent developments in Art and Interaction Computing in your comp6720-recent-developments.md file (max 200 words).


Today we will start and cover some fundamental concepts.

In the last part of this course we look at specific topics that have a good connection with p5:

  • data,
  • simulations and artificial life, and
  • creative machine learning

What is a “recent development”

Something that happened in the last 15 years…

What we’re talking about today starts in the late 90s, early 2000s…

Resources to help:

Human Computer Interaction and Interactive Art

Human-Computer Interaction is the field of study of how people use computer systems (and how to design them).

There has been a move from “ease-of-use” to “experience” in studying interactions.

Creative Interactions

Movement towards studying tools to support creativity.

“there is a move from routine work and productive concerns to human and creative ones.” (Edmonds, 2018).

Refernce: Edmonds, E. (2018). The art of interaction: What HCI can learn from interactive art. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ANU Library Link

Creativity Support Tools (Schneiderman et al. 2006)

  1. Support exploration.
  2. Low threshold, high ceiling, and wide walls.
  3. Support many paths and many styles.
  4. Support collaboration.
  5. Support open interchange.
  6. Make it as simple as possible—and maybe even simpler.
  7. Choose black boxes carefully.
  8. Invent things that you would want to use yourself.
  9. Balance user suggestions with observation and participatory processes.
  10. Iterate, iterate—then iterate again.
  11. Design for designers.
  12. Evaluate your tools.

Artists as Power Users

Artists are “creative power users” (Candy, 2007).

Artists show us the boundaries of human-computer interaction (excess of je ne sais quoi)

Studying interactive art gives us insight into the potential of creativity support tools in the hands of experts.

This translates into findings about “everyday creativity” (Edmonds, 2018)

Why am I telling you this?

interactive art and human-computer interaction have important connections.

research about interactive art is often wrapped up in HCI research.

now lets look at some big concepts and examples



Sensors and Hardware

Stillness Under Tension (2017)

Charles Martin et al.

Sverm Resonans

Sverm Resonans


Computational Creativity




Co-creative systems...

Sougwen Chung

Exquisite Corpus



Immersive Technology: VR and AR

Sonic Sculpture: Listening to Listening

Charles Martin and Zeruo Liu

Listening to Listening


Sonic Sculptural Staircase

Yichen Wang

Sonic Sculptural Staircase


Mobile Interactive Art

Mobile Ensembles

Robotic Art

Articulated Head (Stelarc)

link to version 2.0 of this artwork

Embodied Predictive Instrument

Objects and Constructors

Wait a minute… haven’t we looked at objects already?

Yes, but there are other ways to create objects that are useful if you want to make lots of them.

You can look at more info here in the MDN docs.

Object Creation

recall this way of creating a “sally” object:

let sally = {
  species: "Pikachu",
  level: 1,
  hp: 100,

Object Constructors

Object constructors are special functions that generate objects, you mark them by using a capital letter at the start of the function name:

function Pokemon(species, level, hp) {
    this.species = species
    this.level = level
    this.hp = hp

You can use this as follows:

sally = new Pokemon("Pikachu", 1, 100)

What’s going on with new

sally = new Pokemon("Pikachu", 1, 100)

new is a special word that tells JS to create an object from a constructor.

What’s going on with this

function Pokemon(species, level, hp) {
    this.species = species
    this.level = level
    this.hp = hp

this is a special variable name in JS that refers to the current object.

We can use the Pokemon() constructor to make lots of different objects, so this is a way of saying “not THAT pokemon, THIS pokemon!”.

Methods in Constructors?

You can put methods in constructors too:

function Pokemon(species, level, hp) {
    this.species = species
    this.level = level
    this.hp = hp
    this.hello = function() {
        console.log("Hi, I'm", this.species)

this is especially handy for methods.

One more trick…

Suppose you forgot to make a constructor, or just didn’t want to.

let sally = {
  species: "Pikachu",
  level: 1,
  hp: 100,

You can still make more pokemon!

let jeffrey = Object.create(sally);

(Question: Why would we need to do this?)

Objects by request...

further reading/watching

Edmonds, E. (2018). The art of interaction: What HCI can learn from interactive art. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. ANU Link

Shneiderman, B. (2007). Creativity support tools: Accelerating discovery and innovation. Communications of the ACM, 50(12), 20–32. https://doi.org/10.1145/1323688.1323689

Computational Creativity: 14 AI Artists

Full bibliography for this lecture: https://cpmpercussion.github.io/art-and-interaction-bibliography/index.html

MDN Working with Objects