VSCode installation#

Download & Install VS Code for your platform: https://code.visualstudio.com/download. At the end of the process you should be able to start VS Code.

Remote development extension#

To edit files on Gadi through VSCode, you will need to install the Remote Development extension pack. To install the extensions, search for Remote Development extension pack in the VSCode extensions pane (one of the options on the left of the window) and click Install.

Setting up connection with Gadi#

To connect with the Gadi system by SSH, you will first need to configure Gadi as an SSH host. You can do this by following these steps

  1. Open the VSCode Command Pallette (Ctrl + Shift + P) then type and select Remote-SSH: Add New SSH Host...
  2. Then enter ssh xxx444@gadi.nci.org.au replacing xxx444 with your Gadi username.
  3. Finally select the default SSH config file by pressing enter.

Opening the Gadi Filesystem#

Each time you want to edit files on Gadi you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Pallete and select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host...
  2. Choose gadi.nci.org.au
  3. This will then open a new window and you will need to enter your password for the Gadi system.
  4. Select Open Folder in the left window pane and then select OK (or navigate to the specific folder you would like to open). VSCode may ask for your password again after this step.

You can now view and edit your Gadi filesystem and use the Gadi terminal just like it is your own computer - the only difference is that all of the files are stored and executed on the Gadi machine.

Caution when using VSCode on Gadi#

For some best practices and troubleshooting when using VSCode on Gadi’s login node, we refer to the following instructions. Please note that these instructions are actually from the Pawsey’s supercomputer at WA, but they apply verbatim to Gadi as well.

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