Hands-On Session Parallel IO #1:
Introduction to Parallel IO benchmarking using fio and ioping


Exercise 1 : ioping

fio is a tool that will spawn a number of threads or processes doing a particular type of io action as specified by the user.

ioping is a tool to monitor I/O latency in real time. It shows disk latency in the same way as ping shows network latency. It creates temporary files in the indicated directory and then tests the latency of read operations on them.

In your /short/c37 area on Raijin create a suitably named sub-directory for this session, and in there check out the following Git repos:

Build both repos for FIO and ioping there. From your sub-directory where you installed them, you can read the man pages for these tools for more information on their usage:
man ioping/ioping.1
man fio/fio.1

Note: Raijin has three filesystems accessible to end-users: /home, /jobfs and /short.

ioping : Measuring latency for single threaded sequential workloads

  1. Using ioping, measure the IO latency for /short. Construct PBS jobs or use the interactive queue to use 1 CPU and run the ioping executable and record latency (in milliseconds), IOPS and B/W for block sizes of 4KB, 128KB and 1MB and working set sizes of 10MB, 100MB, 1024MB. Note: the `working set size' is the size of the temporary file that ioping creates.
    Hint: use shell commands in your batch file for running multiple experiments, and to extra results from the job output files. An example run, with 20 requests, 8KB block size and for working set of 1GB on a home directory, using cached I/O:
    % /short/z00/jxa900/ioping -c 20 -s 8KB -S 1024MB -C /home/900/jxa900
    8 KiB from /home/900/jxa900 (lustre request=20 time=29 us
    --- /home/900/jxa900 (lustre --
    -- ioping statistics ---
    20 requests completed in 2.79 ms, 160 KiB read, 7.16 k iops, 55.9MiB/s
    min/avg/max/mdev = 28 us / 139 us / 289 us / 103 us
    From the above experiment, the corresponding data values are:
    Working Set (MB)Block Size (KB) Time Taken (ms)Data Read (KB)IOPS B/W (MB/sec)

    (Later, if you have time/interest): repeat the above without the -C and/or with -D, to see more effects of caching)

  2. Using your results from the above questions, complete the following table.
  3. Working Set (MB)Block Size (KB) Time Taken (ms)Data Read (KB)IOPS B/W (MB/sec)
  4. Explain the observed trends for IOPS and B/W for the three working set sizes, on changing the request block size.
  5. (Optional) Run this exercise on a Raijin compute nodes’ /jobfs, produce a similar table and compare/contrast the results. From your batch script, you can access your jobs directory in this filesystem via /jobfs/local/$PBS_JOBID, and you can ensure sufficient space by adding the PBS detective #PBS -l jobfs=5GB

Exercise 2 : fio

fio: Measuring IOPS for single threaded sequential workloads

  1. In your /short/c37 directory for this session, create an empty sub-directory called testIO, for fio to create temporary files in. Using fio, measure read and write IOPS for two, four and eight threads of IO running on /short for a block size of 1MB and a file size of 1GB.
    These can be set when running fio using the --bs=1M and --size=1G flags. For a sequential write workload, add -–readwrite=write. The flags --ioengine=libaio --gtod_reduce=1 are recommended for good and repeatable performance, respectively. For example, the following creates 2 threads (--thread --numjobs=2):
    fio/fio --ioengine=libaio --gtod_reduce=1 --bs=1024K  --size=1G \
      --readwrite=write --thread --numjobs=2 --name=test --directory=./testIO
    and will produce output like:
    test: (g=0): rw=write, bs=(R) 1024KiB-1024KiB, (W) 1024KiB-1024KiB, (T) 1024KiB-1024KiB, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=1
    Starting 2 threads
    Jobs: 2 (f=2)
    test: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=22754: Mon May 15 18:25:09 2017
      write: IOPS=627, BW=628MiB/s (658MB/s)(1024MiB/1631msec)
    test: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=22755: Mon May 15 18:25:09 2017
      write: IOPS=652, BW=653MiB/s (684MB/s)(1024MiB/1569msec)
    Run status group 0 (all jobs):
      WRITE: bw=1256MiB/s (1317MB/s), 628MiB/s-653MiB/s (658MB/s-684MB/s), io=2048MiB (2147MB), run=1569-1631msec
    The command ls ./testIO will display the temporary files fio generated.

    Using a suitable batch script, run experiments on fio and complete the following table for sequential write IO performance (in the output, run=... is `Time Taken', and io=... is `Data Written'):

    No of ThreadsFile Size (MB)Block Size (KB) Time Taken (ms)Data Written (MB)IOPS B/W (MB/sec)