
  • Due: 9 April 2025, 23:55
  • Mark weighting: 25% total
  • Submission: PDF upload in Wattle with code in GitLab.
  • Policies: see the policies page


This year, we will be using the blog to explore research-informed practice. You will create your own code sketches based on concepts introduced in class extended with additional research outside class hours.

The workshops will be structured a little differently this year. We will cover a new topic over the course of two weeks. For example, we cover concepts in 3D graphics in Week 1 and Week 2; in Week 3 we will give you a provocation1 and starter code options to make your own sketch using 3D graphics.

Blog posts will be due at 5pm on the Thursday following the provocation release. Keeping with the example above, the “3D graphics” blog post will be due on at 5pm on Thursday 28th Feb; so it’s due before the following week’s class.

We’ll be using MS Teams as the platform for the creative code blog. We expect you to participate in the class every week to demonstrate that you are regularly engaging with the artistic process throughout this course. These two aspects (blog posts and class participation and engagement) both contribute to your mark for this deliverable.

Submission Process

For each topic we cover in class, we either want you to create your own sketch based on a provocation we set in class, or extend some starter code we provide in class. In either case, we want you to submit at least 2 non-trivial variations 2 of your sketch. This is an opportunity for you to experiment and explore different ways of implementing or expressing the same idea.

Here’s the process for completing your blog post:

  1. Develop your sketch, either in class or outside of class. Your sketch should either explore a provocation we give you in class or use (and modify) some example code we give you in class

  2. Think of some ways you can vary the output of your sketch. If you are working with a provocation or a specific idea, think about alternative ways you can implement that idea

  3. Take a screenshot or screen recording of each variation of your sketch that you wish to submit (2-3 screenshots in total)

  4. Make a post in the MS Teams CC blog channel. You should include your screenshots/screen recordings, the term and week e.g. “Term 1: Week 3” and a short description. The text component of the blog should include:

  • a short description of your sketches
  • any sources of code or visual inspiration you used as references
  • where relevant: a critical exploration of code/art/concept with references to academic texts
  • a discussion about your approach to create variation

Marking criteria

As discussed at the top of this page, your creative code blog (i.e. a total of four blog posts) make up 30% of your overall mark for this course. This means each blog post is worth 7.5% of the course total. These are marked in two stages over the course of the Term 1.

The marking criteria are:

  • clarity, depth and sophistication of communication in your post descriptions

  • critical engagement with the specific topic, starter-code or provocation associated with the blog submission

  • creativity in coding, artistic output and/or research

  • breadth of experimentation (submit 2-3 non-trivial variations)

  • critical analysis of provocation/topic

Year 12 Blog Assessment Rubric

  A Grade
B Grade
C Grade
D Grade
E Grade
insightfully investigates complex concepts, using advanced language, metalanguage, and supporting media critically explores a range of concepts, theories and ideas, using appropriate language, metalanguage, and supporting media communicates core concepts, theories and ideas, using appropriate language, metalanguage, and supporting media represents some ideas, using some metalanguage and media communicates basic ideas using minimal evidence
Critical Engagement
deep and critical engagement with every topic, starter-code and provocation engages effectively with topics, starter-code and provocation engages appropriately with topics, starter-code templates and provocations engagement includes some references to topics, starter-code templates or provocations very limited engagement with topics, starter-code templates or provocations
always employs creative thinking, drawing on a wide range of sources/influences, to develop surprising and innovative responses to provocations uses creative thinking, drawing on a range of sources/influences, to develop innovative responses to provocations uses critical thinking, drawing on a range of sources, to develop design solutions to provocations uses a limited range of sources to develop basic solutions to provocations develops very limited responses to provocations
Breadth of Experimentation
3 or more variations which demonstrate significant variation of student generated code, OR extensive exploration of variations for the provided code 2 or more variations which demonstrate non-trivial variation of student generated code, OR significant variation of the provided code 2 variations which demonstrate non-trivial variation of the provided code 2 or fewer variations which demonstrate trivial variations of the provided code single code solution which demonstrates a trivial change to the provided code, or the use of generative AI to develop the code variation
Critical Analysis of Provocation
effectively employs a range of research techniques, critically analyses contexts appropriate to the weekly provocations (which may include: historical, social, cultural, ethical, and sustainability contexts) to coherently and effectively justify their arguments, rationally and coherently effectively employs research techniques, demonstrates critical analysis of contexts appropriate to the weekly provocations, and justifies their arguments coherently employs research techniques, analyses contexts appropriate to the weekly provocations, and justifies their arguments coherently describes contexts appropriate to the weekly provocations, and explains ideas limited acknowledgement of contexts for weekly provocations. Describes basic ideas


So what’s the point of the visual diary?

The point is to practice sketching with code and to practice experimentation.

I’m new to this whole artistic thing, and I’m a bit worried what other students might say about the stuff I’ve chosen—what should I do?

EXTN1019 is a caring place where we’re all at different stages of our learning journey. In general everybody is positive and nurturing to everybody else.

If you ever feel belittled or made to feel like you don’t belong by a classmate or a teachers, then let the course convenor know privately and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.

How “polished” does my code art have to be?

We do not expect your code art to be very polished - they are sketches after all and they can be rough implementations. This activity is about experimenting and not refining.

How long does the text component of the blog post have to be?

There is no hard word limit, but approx. 500-600 words.

Do I need to make a post in the very first week?

No. The first post is due before class on Week 4 – the fourth week back – February 28th.

When are the blog posts “due”?

See the calendar of deliverables or the unit outline.

Do I need to include images/videos of my sketches for the blog?

Yes - either screenshots or short screen recordings (30-50 seconds).

Can I work on it during the workshop?

Yes! Every other week, we will be dedicating the workshops for making your own code art with the concept we introduced the week before. So if you create something during the workshop which you want to include in your blog post, then by all means include it. You’re also welcome to use time outside of class to work on the blog.

How long should I spend on this every week?

I’d say that you could probably knock it over in an hour or so if you put your head down and get it done. You can obviously spend as long as you like, but if it’s taking you 10+ hours a week you’re probably over-thinking it :)

Can I use open-source code for my blog post?

Yes, for sure – as long as you provide links to any code that you used and you make some interesting changes/additions of your own to the code. You can include the link to the open-source code at the bottom of your blog post.

Can I use other artists’ work as inspiration for my sketches?

I don’t see why not :) You can absolutely still look for sources of inspiration and reference them in your blog post (name of inspiration/artist, name of work, link to work). However it’s not part of the marking criteria and therefore isn’t mandatory.

Can I comment on other students posts?

Yes, of course! These are your fellow creative coders and we encourage you to browse their work, engage in discussions and get inspired. As mentioned earlier, this classroom is a space where we support each other. This extends to digital learning spaces like Teams. If you feel belittled or made to feel like you don’t belong in any way, please let the course convenor know privately and they will make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Can I “like” another student’s blog post?

Sure, go ahead. Like as many as you want to :)

When will I get my marks & feedback?

As mentioned above, the blog posts will be marked in two stages. You should receive your mark and feedback 1-2 weeks after each deadline.

Can I use generative AI to write my blog posts or code?

We will be exploring the development, creation and appropriate application of generative AI in generating text, image and audio this year. This is NOT an open-license to use generative AI to write code or your blog posts.

So: how can you use it?

  1. Be explicit about your use: explain how and why you want/need to use generative AI to generate code or text.
  2. Write your own ideas: you must generate ideas from your own brain and not outsource the generation of ideas.
  3. Read! You must read your sources and understand them yourself. It is no good asking ChatGPT to understand for you. Reach out if you need help.
  4. Polish: Write your ideas down and once you have a draft you might use generative AI to help finesse your work.
  5. Be explicit: This is a blog about creation. Tell us how you completed this process and how this made you feel. Have you learned more, or learned less? Does it help reduce pressure? Does it make you feel unethical?
  6. Opt Out: Shout it from the rooftops: You do not have to use generative AI! To quote from The Incredibles: “No school like the old school”.
  1. provocations are like written prompts or open-ended questions. They should be thought of as “jumping off points” for exploring a question or idea in your code sketches. 

  2. We just want you to implement an idea and play around with your code to generate some interesting changes in the visuals/audio. Think of it like doodling – see where your mind takes you and then, when you see an output that you like, take a screenshot/screen recording of it. The non-trivial part just means your changes can’t be too simple (e.g. if the only variation you make is changing the background colour from grey to pink, that’s too simple) 

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