
  • Due: Friday 22nd September, 10pm
  • Mark weighting: 40%
  • Exhibition details: coming soon
  • Submission: submit your assignment according to the instructions below
  • Policies: for late policies, academic integrity policies, etc. see the policies page

Creative Computing Final Exhibition

The final exhibition will be held immediately before the final ANU Extension Completion Celebration (which is Wednesday 15 November in the ANU Llewellyn Hall).

The time of the ANU Extension Completion Celebration is still being finalised, but the date is pretty much locked in – watch this space for updated times. In case there are any last-minute changes around the celebration, we’re arranging a “backup” exhibition at the Drill Hall Gallery the following week. It will be on one of the evenings on the week of Nov 20th-24th.

The details are:

  • Time: 5pm
  • Date: Wednesday 15 November
  • Location: the “AtheNaeUm” room, on ground floor of the ANU School of Music

Come along at 5pm to see & interact with the final project creative code artefacts (we’ll have a bunch of computers set up). Parents/friends welcome.

At about 6:15pm we’ll move upstairs to the main ANU Extension Completion Celebration in the Llewellyn Hall (it’s in the same building). And after that there’ll be one more drinks & nibbles reception thing for you to hang with your friends and celebrate completing this course.

If you’ve got any questions, email Matthew.


The end of the school year is approaching, and so is the EXTN1019 final project. As we’ve foreshadowed all along in this course, your final project deliverable is an interactive creative code artefact for an end-of-year creative code exhibition.

Your goal is to provide an engaging performance/user experience which communicates your interpretation of the theme; echo chambers.


Your final project submission has two parts:

  • an interactive/evolving creative code artefact (aim for upwards of a minute of audience engagement)
  • a README.md file explaining how to interact with your work or how it evolves over time

Creative code artefact

Your creative code artefact needs to:

  • run smoothly in a web browser
  • be interactive (either by you if you plan to perform with your artefact, or by others) or evolve over time
  • produce some sort of creative output (visuals or sound)
  • build on (at least) one of the ideas you submitted for your portfolio

You should still be working with your interpretation of the theme; echo chambers, just like you have been for the portfolio. If you’re unsure about your ideas for whatever reason, then feel free to ask a question either in class or on Teams.

Submission process

You must submit all the necessary files (code, image/audio/video files) by committing and pushing them to GitLab by 10pm on Friday 22 September. You must push your code to your fork of the final project repository.

Marking criteria

The marking criteria are connected to the course learning outcomes (LOs), and you will be assessed on your project’s

Interaction design (connected to LO #1 & #4)

  • Do your methods of interaction/evolution enhance the communication of your interpretation of the theme?

  • Do your interaction/evolution designs effectively communicate the value-system of your echo chamber?

Artistic output (LO #2)

  • Does the visual aesthetic (animations, colour, composition, texture) enhance the communication of your interpretation of the theme? OR Does your choice of sonic output (rhythm, timbre, effects, pitch, dynamics) enhance the communication of your interpretation of the theme?

  • Does the visual aesthetic (animations, colour, composition, texture) enhance the communication of your chosen value-system? OR Does your choice of sonic output (rhythm, timbre, effects, pitch, dynamics) enhance the communication of your interpretation of your chosen value-system?

Implementation (LO #3)

  • Have you selected the most appropriate programming concept(s) to implement your ideas?

  • Does your code work as detailed in the README? Are there any obvious bugs/janky bits?


Coming soon!

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