This course is being delivered in partnership with Microsoft, and addresses how scientists and engineers can use quantum computers to simulate large quantum mechanical systems. Quantum computers maintain an abstract state where, in a certain sense, both 0 and 1 states exist simultaneously with some probability. The course delves deeper into how such an abstract state can be realized physically and used as a computing tool to simplify algorithm implementation and accelerate execution. Offers students an opportunity to learn about quantum teleportation, reversible computing, the quantum Fourier transform, quantum phase estimate and quantum counting, Shor’s algorithm, quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computation, and quantum simulation.

Key takeaway skills of the course include:

Quantum literacy; ability to discuss quantum computing and continue learning it, and Quantum programming; begin developing your own quantum algorithms.

Pre-requisites: MATH1013 and MATH1014 or MATH1115 and MATH1116

Assumed knowledge: Complex arithmetic, linear algebra, Fourier transforms. Students familiar with knowledge from MATH2306, Applied Mathematics II, should find the course accessible. There is no assumed knowledge from Physics.

Semester 2, 2022 details: Lectures are held on Monday, 10am Birch Bdg #35, Lecture Theatre 1.43 Wednesday, 10am Dunbar Lecture Theatre Bdg #39A Tutorials are held on Friday, 2pm Birch Bdg #35, Lecture Theatre 1.43

Lectures and tutorials are also broadcast by zoom for remote participation. The ANU Wattle site has details.

If you’re stuck, then you can reach out for help anytime—the course help page or course forum is a good place to start.

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