What is Gitlab User Quota?#

GitLab User Quota is a fixed share of a user’s total repository size. The GitLab User Quota has been introduced in 2021 Semester 1 to hard limit users’ repositories’ size. The limit is set to be per user. On the Teaching Gitlab, the limit is 5Gb per user, and on the Research Gitlab, the limit is 50Gb per user.

Why we need User Quota?#

Repositories within GitLab instances had grow up very quickly in the past 2 years. When there was no limitation, it was very often to see a very large repository which was created a few months ago and no activity since then. The User Quota was introduced to ensure each user to have the same disk space. It is also easy for the system admin to manage the growth of the disk space.

What if my account exceeds quota?#

The Gitlab User Quota check will happen when you push some code to GitLab servers. There are two types of quotas. Soft quota will only send you a warning message showing how much usage you currently used. The message is like below.

GL-HOOK-WARN: u0000000 is about to exceed quota which is 5 Gb. The current usage is 4.5Gb. Please consider to delete some repositories.

However, hard quota will send you an error mssage and failed the push. The message is like below.

GL-HOOK-ERR: u0000000 have exceeded quota which is 5 Gb. The current usage is 5.5Gb. Please ask owner to delete some repositories and try again.

Once you have reached quota limitation, you can check all your personal projects in your namespace like this:

https://gitlab.cecs.anu.edu.au/users/<student uid>/projects

, and delete any project that you think is not used anymore.

Is there any exception?#

If you have a very genuine reason and need to use more than the limit, you can get support from CSIT team.

When the User Quota will be activated?#

The quota on Research GitLab has already been setup, and the Teaching one will except to activate before 2021 Semester 1 starts.

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