Remote Access to School of Computing Linux Mint 22.04 VDI#

This service is now only available to students studying remotely and by pre-registration. See instructions from your course convenor.

You will need to connect to Global Protect if you are off campus. If you can’t connect to Global Protect, please raise a service ticket or call the Service Desk on 6125 4321.

Point your HTML5 compliant web browser at SoCo VDI.

Once you have seen the login screen, you can login with your UID and password.

Key locations on the VDI#

/courses/<course code>/ - You can find common files to be shared for your course.

/student/<uid> - Your home directory on the network file system which will be shared date accross on all CECS Linux Lab machines and Partch. Disk quota will apply.

/scratch/student/<uid> - Scratch is a local storage where you can put your temporary big files. On VDI, these files will be removed everytime you log out.

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