Workspaces allow you to place windows onto separate screen if you need more room to work. The default desktop environment has the concept of dynamic workspaces. Dynamic workspaces are added and removed as required.

To move between workspaces open the activities screen on the right hand side of the screen is an area where your workspaces are listed you can click on a specific workspace you want to access or use the mouse scroll wheel to switch between active workspaces. You can move a window between workspaces by clicking and dragging it to the new workspace.

An empty workspace which is not the last workspace will be removed when you move to another workspace.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to move between workspaces without accessing the activities menu. To move up and down between workspaces use Ctrl + Alt + or Ctrl + Alt + . To move a window between workspaces, make sure the window is currently in focus and use Shift + Ctrl + Alt + or .

bars search caret-down plus minus arrow-right times arrow-up