
The CSIT/CECS Linux Labs have a variety of presentation displays available, although some presently have none (N109 and N112).

N109 - no display, but one planned for term 4, 2022 with the (experimental) Lab VNC switcher (see below).

N111 has two displays joined together and driven via HDMI from a small HDMI selector alongside workstation n111lt29.

N112 - no display, but one planned for term 4, 2022 with the (experimental) Lab VNC switcher (see below).

N113 has a 90” NEC monitor, using the Lab VNC switcher n113dispa.csitlabs.

N114 has a 90” NEC monitor, using the Lab VNC switcher n114dispa.csitlabs.

N115/6 has two front-facing projectors, controlled by lecturn touchpads and supported by ANU ITS A/V services. The displays can be slaved to a single source. A third display on the eastern wall will soon also have the (experimental) Lab VNC switcher (see below).

HN1.23 (HN Lab 1) has a 90” NEC monitor, using the Lab VNC switcher l123dispa.csitlabs

HN1.24 (HN Lab 2) has a 90” NEC monitor, using the Lab VNC switcher l124dispa.csitlabs.

Lab VNC Switcher#

As of 2022, some Linux Lab Presentation Displays are now controlled by a web-based Virtual Network Computing (VNC) (see: Wikipedia article) switching interface.

Presently, this is an experimental installation.

By using a web browser on a Linux workstation in the lab and connecting to the displays controller URL (see each lab for details), it is possible to screencast one or more VNC sessions from any workstation to the display.

Various VNC setups can be used, the basic one being to share the current desktop. This can be done by running (in a terminal session): /courses/misc/screen_share.sh (or x11vnc -clip 1920x1080+0+0 -q -shared -ncache 0 -viewonly -forever).

Laptops and Mobiles etc#

Presently not supported, but some workarounds include:

  • use a screen-sharing application, such as Zoom etc., and share on a Linux workstation, which is then screen-cast to the lab display (tested, and works acceptably).

A new application to run on one workstation in each lab will allow a laptop etc. to be connected to an HDMI capture device, and then making this available to the Lab VNC Switcher is presently being developed.

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