Virtual Box is a free general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use. Dowload link of the Virtual Box (v5.2.34) can be found below.


OS X hosts

Solaris hosts

Ubuntu 18.04/18.10/19.04


A Virtual Box ubuntu 20.04 image is a pre-configured lab image that mimic lab environment for students’ convenience. The VM will take you about 20G disk space.

Download the vm ubuntu 20.04 cecs-student.ova (2.7G), then using Virtual Box click File > Import Appliance to create the virtual machine on your own hardware. When you can see the Import Virtual Apppliance setting, check the location at Base Folder, and make sure that you have at least 20G in this folder to keep Virtual Disk Image working fine.

Once the lab VM image is imported, click Start to launch the VM instance.

The machine will auto login as user student, which has sudo access to install additional software. The password if you need it is also student.

To install and prepared the course package to be ready, in the Virtual Box, open a Terminal and type the following.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install comp1100

This will install the complete development environment as used in the computer labs for comp1100. If you would like to install other courses, just change comp1100 to another course code.

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