Use of the computing environment is subject to ANU Rules. Copies of the rules are posted in each of the InfoCommons laboratories. You should read these rules carefully. Indeed, you will be asked to acknowledge that you have read them before you are given access to the undergraduate computing environment.

The rules identify what you may and may not do within this environment, and identify the penalties for unacceptable use. Put informally, the power of the computing environment allows many opportunities for unacceptable behaviour! Even if unacceptable behaviour is perpetrated by only a small number of students, it can degrade the amenity of the environment for all users. Dealing with breaches of ANU Rules of behaviour can also take a considerable amount of our time. Accordingly, offenders often find us very short of understanding and kindness.

Laboratory Rules#

There are a number of rules relating to acceptable use of the CSIT teaching labs which are posted up on the noticeboards in each lab. In particular, food and drink is forbidden in the labs. This is mainly to protect the computer keyboards and mice from crumbs and sticky drink spills but also to help keep these shared resources more hygenic.

Also, please note that under no circumstances are any cables to be unplugged from the wall sockets or from the computer equipment. This includes power cables, network cables, monitor cables and keyboard and mice cables. The computer monitors are not there for people to use on their laptops. A number of cable connectors have been damaged or destroyed by people unplugging them and then not re-installing them correctly. Also, many times incorrectly attached cables have caused further problems for users of the labs.

Even if you know what you are doing, others in the lab may follow your example but not have the same level of experience as you and so fail to reattach cables, or damage wall sockets and the cable connectors.

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