Mid-Semester Exam

There will be a short mid-semester exam on Monday Week 6, at 6:15pm and 7:15pm (in two sittings). The exams will be sat in various computer labs; details will become available shortly before the exam, with your exam room visible to you via STREAMS (students will be assigned rooms automatically). The exam will be electronic. It will run for 30 minutes (plus 5 minutes of reading time). There will be no materials permitted. You will have access to IntelliJ, just as you did in your lab test.

The exam will consist of 30 multiple choice questions, of which you need only answer 20 (together worth 5 marks) and 3 short coding questions (together worth 15 marks), for a total of 20 marks. Your exam mark, M, will be divided by 4 to arrive at a final mark out of 5. If you miss the exam or do poorly, you will redeem the marks from the final exam, E, using the equation: X = max(M/4, E/20).

Sample Exam

I have provided a sample mid-semester exam, which you can access here.

The exam may cover material up to and including the end of week 5.

Things to note:

  • For the sample exam, you will need to fork this repo in order to get the template code and the tests. In the real exam, you will have the relevant files already pre-loaded in your system when you start up. You will not use git in the real exam.
  • You will be marked according to only what you do in the browser. It is therefore essential that you copy any code you write into the browser, as instructed in the exam.
  • The exam will be entirely auto-graded, so:
    • Your code must pass the tests.
    • Each coding question has five tests, you will get one mark for each test that you pass.
    • You need to ensure that the code that goes into the browser is correct and complete. For example, each class starts with package comp1110.mse;, if you were to delete this from the version you put in the browser, your code would not compile and you would get zero.
  • There are 30 true/false questions, but you only need to answer 20 to get full marks. Make sure you carefully read the instructions, which explain that you will be penalized for incorrect answers. The marking scheme is designed so that answering randomly will give you an expected mark of zero.
  • Your work is automatically saved as you type. There’s a small notification at the top right of the exam that gives you a checksum for the exam and the number of bytes you’ve typed so far. There is no ‘save’ button. You simply work away, and your work is automatically saved. You can test this by quitting your browser and then restarting it and you will find that your work is just as it was when you left off.
  • If you change your mind on any of the questions, use the ‘clear’ button to clear your answer.

Updated:  23 Aug 2018/ Responsible Officer:  Head of School/ Page Contact:  Steve Blackburn