Lecturer, Tutors, and Peers

Your lecturer, tutors, and your peers are all important resources. We will do our best to help you succeed in this course. However, it’s up to you to make the most of what I have to offer. You can do this at least three ways:

  • Attend and engage in lectures. Ask questions.
  • Talk to me about your questions before and after lectures.
  • Make use of the 1:1 consultation hours.
  • Use Piazza. This is the best way to raise issues. We try to be very responsive to issues raised there. Students asking questions there benefit from feedback from their peers, and they benefit their peers by raising issues others may yet run into.

Please do not contact your lecturer or tutors via email. Instead use Piazza. Email is not a good modality for student/teacher interaction.

Lecturer: Professor Steve Blackburn

I am a computer scientist and electrical engineer. My principal research focus is in programming language implementation, and more specifically memory management. I really enjoy teaching, and have taught this class for a number of years.

Co-Convener: Dr Josh Milthorpe

I’m a researcher in high-performance computing. I studied computing at ANU and worked for over a decade as a software engineer for the Australian Government. After completing my PhD, I spent three years at IBM Watson Research Center in New York before returning again to ANU in 2017.


Your tutors are experts and are here to help you. Make the most of this by attending and engaging in your scheduled labs or attending the scheduled drop-in sessions.

Consultation Hours

These are opportunities for 1:1 consultations with tutors. They are in rooms 1.25 and 2.41 of the new CS/MSI building (145), which are on the first and second floor respectively.

Day Time Room Tutors
Tuesday 12:00 2.41 Dana, Louis
Tuesday 17:00 1.25 Dana, Jo-lan
Wednesday 17:00 2.41 Sarah, Josh
Thursday 17:00 1.25 Josh, Lei
Friday 13:00 2.41 Dana, Utkarsh

Scheduled Lab Times

All labs are in room N115/6 of the CSIT building. COMP1140 labs are italicised.

Day Time A (N115L) B (N115R) C (N116L) D (N116R)
Tuesday 08:00 Lei Peter Aaron  
Tuesday 18:00 Jo-lan Hu Aaron Sarah Josh
Wednesday 18:00 Yaya Jack Sarah Josh
Thursday 08:00 Lei Jiawen Utkarsh Rohan
Thursday 10:00 Lei Jiawen Utkarsh Rohan
Thursday 14:00 Jo-lan Peter Yaya Louis
Thursday 16:00 Jo-lan Sam Sarah Louis
Thursday 18:00 Peter Sam Yaya Josh

The course tutors are as follows:

Peter Baker

My name is Peter and I am from Wagga Wagga, a rural city in NSW. I am undertaking my second year at ANU with hopes to complete a degree in Advanced Computing and Science. I thoroughly enjoyed this course in my first year and hope you do too. As your tutors, we will endeavour to always be genuine and helpful, please make the most of us.

Sarah Buchhorn

My name is Sarah Buchhorn, I’m a third year student studying maths and economics. I believe that no matter what degree you’re doing, programming (especially with Java) is a great skill to have. This is my first time tutoring this course, I’m looking forward to working with you!

Louis Carlin

I’m a second year student undergrad studying computer science and maths. I’m particularly interested in areas where they overlap. Programming is both a super important skill and super fun so I’m excited to help you learn. I took this course last year and had a great time in the labs so I hope you do too.

Jiawen He

I am Jiawen He, a second year student from China. I’m studying Information Technology right now. This course led me to a fantastic programming world. I hope you enjoy your Java trip as well!

Jo-Lan Hu

My name is Jo-Lan, I’m a fourth year student studying B IT and B Commerce. Both of my parents are working in the IT industry, so I had access to IT environment since I was young. Java is a very fun language and I hope you guys enjoy learning it:)

Lei Huang

I am Lei Huang, a second-year Master student studying computing. I did my undergraduate studies at the University of Nottingham with both design and engineering background. My dream is to become a software designer and software artist. I have great passion to share my knowledge and ideas with you and hope you all enjoy this course.

Josh Hull

I’m currently a third year majoring in Software Development. I love logic and reasoning, playing soccer, Overwatch, and of course software construction. I’m excited to be a tutor for COMP1110. I loved the course when I did it, and am glad to be involved in it.

Yaya Lu

My name is Yaya Lu, and I am currently in my 4th year of an undergraduate degree in Software Engineering. I enjoy creating systems that improve user experience, and am passionate in accessibility research and HCI. I interned at Google Sydney over the summer and have conducted research and written papers on the integration of accessibility and robotics. Come chat with me if you like ranting about usability for hours and hours!

Utkarsh Marwaha

I’m an undergrad pursuing a degree in Software Engineering(Honors). I took this course in 2017 and had an amazing experience. The labs and assignments are challenging but equally rewarding, leaving you hungry for more at the end of the semester. I can’t wait to start working with all the students and get them as excited as me to explore the fundamentals of structured programming through Java. See you in the labs :-).

Rohan McLure

I’m also a student at ANU studying Mathematics and Computer Science. Although I would call myself a Canberran, I’ve spent the first 12 years of my life living overseas.

I have greatly enjoyed tutoring for the first time last semester with COMP1100/30, and see a huge importance to learning how to convey my understanding of programming to others.

Sam Moore

I am in my third year of a Software Engineering degree looking to start pursuing my interest in cyber security. I have been a school tutor for the last two years teaching years 7-10 but I much prefer teaching university students, the content and the people are much more interesting. I am very much looking forward to teaching COMP1110/1140 it has been one of my favourite courses so far.

Dana Pye

I’m a second year student studying software engineering. Java is a great language (although like all, it has its flaws!) which opens the door to a lot of programming possibilities. I enjoyed this course a lot last year when I did it, and I’m hoping to be able to help you enjoy it as much as I did.

Jack Stodart

Hi, I’m Jack and I’m a second year Advanced Computing and Environmental Science student. This course is really exciting and really practical - you get to build real-world programs, and understand how they’re structured. I’m really looking forward to working with you on this course. As well as computing, I’m also complete film and TV nerd, so come have a chat any time!

Aaron Zhou

My name is Aaron and I come from China. I am currently in my third year studying Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Finance majoring in computer science and capital market. I took this course two years ago and found it absolutely fantastic! You will enjoy interesting assignments and labs designed to increase your programming skills to the next level. I hope you when you look back, you will find the experience particularly rewarding!

Your Peers

Engage with your classmates and group members. Use Piazza. If you don’t understand something, ask others. Explaining something to one of your peers will help deepen your understanding.

Class Representatives

Each RSCS course has a class representative.

Class representatives are a great resource, but they not a substitute for providing feedback to your lecturer. Piazza allows you to make anonymous feedback. If you want to give feedback, whether it be positive or negative, you should always give that feedback directly to your lecturer, either in person, or on the Piazza forum, using anonymity if you don’t feel comfortable being identified. If for some reason you feel uncomfortable even with anonymous feedback, your class reps are able to pass on information on your behalf. However, your class representatives should usually only be hearing feedback that you have already given the lecturer.

Your Course Representatives Are as Follows

Ethal Askander

Hello, my name is Ethal Askander and I am undergraduate student studying Software Engineering and Economics. This semester is my second semester at ANU and like the many of comp1110 students I did comp1100/comp1130 in my previous semester. Despite what I would assume to be the majorities opinion (according to the first lecture’s hand poll) I enjoyed Haskell, as well as comp1100 as a whole. Although I do recognize that individual experiences may differ. Given this, I am excited to be apart of comp1110 and to play a more active role in this course. I am looking forward to learning many of the fundamentals of programming as well as programming in groups/large projects. If you wish to contact me, catch me in class or send me an email.

Isabel Longbottom

My name is Isabel and I am a first year PhB science student from Perth. I’m studying computer science, maths and physics, and I’m really excited about programming and about COMP1140! I’m looking forward to being a course rep this semester and would love to hear from you, so come have a chat sometime after a lecture. Please feel free to contact me via email

Yiyi Shao

My name is Yiyi Shao. I am a first year student studying Master of Computing. Java is a charming language. Hope all of us are enjoying this interesting course! Please feel free to contact me via email or via my WeChat id: 17714263970.

Updated:  03 Sep 2018/ Responsible Officer:  Head of School/ Page Contact:  Steve Blackburn