Honesty and integrity are of utmost importance.

These goals are not at odds with being resourceful and working collaboratively. You should be resourceful and you should discuss your work in this course with others taking the class.

The golden rule is that you must never misrepresent the work of others as your own.

If you have taken ideas from elsewhere or used code sourced from elsewhere, you must say so with utmost clarity. At each stage of the assignments you will be asked to submit a statement of originality, either as a group or as individuals. This statement is the place for you to declare which ideas or code contained in your submission were sourced from elsewhere.

Please read the ANU’s official position on academic honesty. If you have any questions, please ask me.

When you do your assignments, carefully review the statement of originality which you must complete. Edit that statement and update it as you complete the assignment, ensuring that when you complete the assignment, a truthful statement is committed and pushed to your repo.

Updated:    12 Jan 2021 / Responsible Officer:    Head of School / Page Contact:    Steve Blackburn