Please be sure to read this page in its entirety, including the important notes at the bottom of the page.

The final mark for COMP1110/COMP1140/COMP6710 is calculated based on six components:

  • an individual assignment, A1, worth 5%,
  • a major assignment, A2, worth 30%,
  • class engagement, CE, worth 5%,
  • a lab test, LT, worth 5%,
  • a mid-semester exam, M, worth 5%, and
  • the final exam, E, worth 50%

Each course has two hurdle requirements:

Failure at either of these hurdles will result in failure of the course.

The exam is marked out of 100, the first assignment is marked out of 5, the second assignment out of 30, the lab test is marked out of 20, the mid-semester exam is marked out of 20, and the class engagement out of 10.

The marks for the first assignment, class engagement, the lab test and the mid-semester exam are ‘redeemable’ via the final exam. This means that if you score a higher percentage on the final exam than on one of the redeemable assessments, that assessment item’s contribution to your final mark for the course will be calculated using your final exam mark rather than your raw mark for the assessment, as follows:

A = max(A1, E/20) + A2

L = max(LT/4, E/20)

C = max(CE/2, E/20)

X = max(M/4, E/20)

The final mark is calculated using the following formula:

Final Mark = A + L + C + X + E/2

Introduction to Advanced Computing II COMP1140

Introduction to Advanced Computing II extends COMP1110. The differences are as follows:

  • Students will have one additional expert lecture. The content in that lecture is examinable (for COMP1140 students).
  • Students will have a different major assignment to the COMP1110/COMP6710 students.
  • Students will be enrolled in distinct lab groups with COMP1140-specific tutors.

Given the extra lecture and different exam, COMP1140 students will sit a slightly different exam. However, other than this, the assessment scheme is identical to that of COMP1110.

Important Notes

  • All submitted work may be subject to an oral examination. If the course convener deems the outcome of the oral exam to be unsatisfactory, the mark for that assessment item may be adjusted accordingly.

  • Students must get a minimum final mark of at least 50% to pass the subject and a minimum final mark of 40/100 in the final exam. Note that final marks for all courses are moderated by a Research School of Computer Science examiners meeting, so the mark you are awarded may be higher or lower than the mark calculated using the above formula.

  • Please check the Undergraduate Handbook for policy statements concerning special consideration process and special, further and supplementary examinations.

  • Quality and integrity are expected from all students. Students should also expect this from the lecturing/tutorial staff. Please read over the ANU’s policy on this matter.

Updated:    12 Jan 2021 / Responsible Officer:    Head of School / Page Contact:    Steve Blackburn