Your lecturer, tutors, and your peers will do our best to help you succeed in this course. You can help make the best use of our time by:

  • Asking me questions before, during and after lectures.
  • Taking advantage of the 1:1 consultation hours.
  • Asking and answering questions on the class forum. This is the best way to raise issues. We try to be very responsive to issues raised there. Asking a question on the forum contributes to everybody’s learning as the whole class gets the benefit of the discussion or answer.

Please do not contact your lecturer or tutors via email. Instead use the class forum. Email is not a good modality for student/teacher interaction.

Lecturer: Professor Steve Blackburn

I am a computer scientist and electrical engineer. My principal research focus is in programming language implementation, and more specifically memory management. I really enjoy teaching, and have taught this class for a number of years.

Second Examiner: Dr Josh Milthorpe

I’m a researcher in high-performance computing. I studied computing at ANU and worked for over a decade as a software engineer for the Australian Government. After completing my PhD, I spent three years at IBM Watson Research Center in New York before returning again to ANU in 2017.


Your tutors are experts and are here to help you. Make the most of this by attending and engaging in your scheduled labs or attending the scheduled drop-in sessions.

Consultation Hours

Five days a week there are 1:1 consultation sessions available online from 17:00-18:00 AEST Monday-Friday. We will use the consulation channel on Teams.Details available in week 1.

Scheduled Lab Times

All labs are held in the labs channel on Microsoft Teams. Details available in week 1.

Day Time Location Tutor (a) Tutor (b) Tutor (c) Tutor (d) Lab Leader
Tuesday 11:00 online Ashleigh Jasmeen Shivang Siying Peter
Tuesday 13:00 online Ashleigh Eamon Peter Shivang Nicholas
Tuesday 15:00 online Yuqing Rachel Nicholas Georgie Siying
Wednesday 09:00 online Georgie Siying Vikram Leopold Ashleigh
Wednesday 11:00 online Jasmeen Yuqing Leopold Zaran Ashleigh
Wednesday 13:00 online Elise Eamon Zaran Aditya Peter
Wednesday 15:00 online Elise Aditya Rachel Vikram Yuqing

The course tutors are as follows:

Peter Baker

My name is Peter and I am from Wagga Wagga, a rural city in NSW. I am undertaking my third year at ANU with hopes to complete a degree in Advanced Computing and Science. I thoroughly enjoyed this course in my first year and hope you do too. As your tutors, we will endeavour to always be genuine and helpful, please make the most of us.

Eamon Barrett

I have just finished my science degree, majoring in maths and computer science, and am doing some tutoring this semester before starting a grad job as a software engineer next year. This course was my first introduction to the world of imperative and object oriented programming, so it was a bit overwhelming at the start but I’m excited to help make this course enjoyable, rewarding and easy to understand.

Aditya Chilukuri

Hello everyone! I’m Adi, and I come from Brisbane. I’m in my third year here, and I study computer science and maths. I’m particularly interested in systems programming and I think Structured Programming is a fantastic introduction to designing and building computer systems. I took this course two years ago , really enjoyed it, and I’m looking forward to helping you develop your own skills in programming this semester! Aside from computing, I’m also interested in electronics, maths and economics and am always happy to chat with you.

Ashleigh Johannes

Hi, I’m Ash, I’m a second year student studying Mathematics and Computer Science. I’m a dancer that has recently discovered a love for programming (who knew!) and as an aspiring teacher I hope you can teach me just as much as I can teach you. This course is a load of fun, definitely the best I have taken so far, and you will learn so much.

Jasmeen Kaur

My name is Jasmeen Kaur and I am studying Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) at ANU. I did this course in the 2nd semester of my degree and am incredibly satisfied with the outcomes and loads of new concepts which I learnt during this course. It equipped me to build a strong foundation for studying further advanced computer science topics. A “NICE TIP” for this course is to always try and stay in tune (preferably ahead) of the schedule and you will be all good :-)

Georgie Lyall

Hi, I’m Georgie. I’m studying a double degree in computer science and maths. I did this course in my first year and I really enjoyed it. What I liked most about this course is that you get the opportunity to collaborate with others, which is not only a useful skill but can be a lot of fun. It can be a lot of work, but hopefully you’ll end up with a project you’re proud of. I’m looking forward to meeting some of you and working with you over the semester!

Nicholas Miehlbradt

My name is Nicholas and I’m from New Zealand. I’m in my fourth year studying engineering and computer science. I took this course in 2018 and found it invaluable in teaching me how to manage and collaborate on more complex programming projects. I hope you get as much out of this course as I did. I’m always happy to chat about the course content or pretty much anything else computer science or engineering related. Outside of uni I also enjoy fencing and trail running.

Elise Palethorpe

Hi, I’m Elise, I’m in 2nd year studying maths and computer science and I’m really excited to be tutoring this course this semester and meeting you all. This has definitely been one of my favorite classes I’ve taken so far and I hope I can play my part in ensuring that by the end of semester you agree with me!

Dana Pye

I’m a fourth year student studying computer science. Java is a great language (although like all, it has its flaws!) which opens the door to a lot of programming possibilities. I enjoyed this course a lot in my first year when I did it, and I’m hoping to be able to help you enjoy it as much as I did.

Siying Qian

Hi, my name is Siying. I’m a fourth-year student studying Advanced Computing and Actuarial Studies. I did this Java course in my first year, and have some individual understandings and learning experiences that I would love to share with you. I hope you could enjoy the course as much as I did throughout our studies. Please don’t hesitate to come to me for help!

Shivang Sachar

Hi, I’m Shivang, I’m a second year studying computer science and maths. I took this course last year and really enjoyed it. My favourite part of the course was by far the group project, which I found to be both rewarding and memorable. You’ll not only develop your programming skills by actively writing programs, but also be able to make new friends and build your teamworking skills. I’m looking forward to meeting some of you and I hope that you will all enjoy this course as much as I did.

Rachel Schroder

Hi, my name is Rachel and I come from a little area called Wamboin, just outside of Canberra. I am in my second year of a Software Engineering degree, and am planning to specialise in Theoretical Computer Science. This was one of the most challenging but also most rewarding courses that I have taken so far, and I use the skills that I learnt from it on a regular basis. I hope that I can help you get as much, or even more, out of this course as I did.

Vikram Sondergaard

My name is Vikram, and I’m a third year Computer Science and Languages student from Melbourne. What I really like about this course is that, while you definitely put in a lot of hard work, after completing it you’ll be incredibly proud of the programs you’ve developed (I still am!). I’m excited to meet you, and hope that I can help you have a really enjoyable and productive semester in this course.

Zaran Zahid

Hi, my name is Zaran. I’m currently in my second year studying computer science and mathematics. I studied this course last year and I’m very excited to be part of it again as a tutor. For me, this course was a rewarding experience as I had an opportunity to learn a range of programming tools and concepts and then apply them to make sophisticated programs from scratch. I hope you all have a very productive and fun time while taking this course and I look forward to meeting you over the semester!

Yuqing Zhai

Hi, my name is Yuqing and I’m a second year student doing Master of Computing. I did this course in the first semester and found this course was one of my favorite courses in ANU. It was well-structured and helped me get a better understanding of how to program. I look forward to meeting you in labs and helping you to enjoy this course as much as I did!

Leopold Zhou

Hello World! I’m Leo. I’m currently studying computer science and management. When I was learning this course, I found it incredibly exciting. The Object-Oriented Paradigm makes programming with Java just like playing with LEGO pieces. I started from scratch and eventually got a satisfying outcome. You will too! Please make the most of us as your “Rubber Ducks “ :)

Your Peers

Engage with your classmates and group members. Use the class forum. If you don’t understand something, ask others. Explaining something to one of your peers will help deepen your understanding.

Class Representatives

Each RSCS course has a class representative.

Class representatives are a great resource, but they are not a substitute for providing feedback to your lecturer. If you want to give feedback, whether it be positive or negative, you should always give that feedback directly to your lecturer, either in person, or on the class forum, using anonymity if you don’t feel comfortable being identified. If for some reason you feel uncomfortable even with anonymous feedback, your class reps are able to pass on information on your behalf. However, your class representatives should usually only be hearing feedback that you have already given the lecturer.

Your Course Representatives Are as Follows

Wenhan Dong

Hello everyone! My name is Wenhan. I was class representative of Math 1013 last semester. If you have any opinions or idea about the course, the best way is that you talk to Steve in person. However, if you have any reason that you do not want to do that. Please feel free to talk to me. I am required to collected opinion anonymously to protect your personal information. It means that no one will know that you talked to me without your permission. My email: It is also good to give me an email, then we can select a time which we can talk via ZOOM or Teams.

Linda Kwan

Hi, my name is Linda. I’m a first year undergraduate student based in Canberra. I am currently working towards a bachelor’s degree in Advanced Computing (R&D). One of my favourite things about programming is that it gives me the opportunity to think creatively and explore different ways to solve challenging problems. So far, I enjoy this course and I hope that most students taking this course will find it very rewarding. I am looking forward to representing you this semester.

Xiao Zhang (Shawn)

Hi, my name is Xiaoxu Zhang, and you can also call me Shawn. I’m from the Shandong province of China. I’m undertaking my second year at ANU with hope to complete a double degree in Information technology and Commerce. It is my second time to be a course rep for a course of ANU. If there is anything I can help, please don’t be hesitate to contact me! I’m here anytime to support the class running better and better.”

Updated:    12 Jan 2021 / Responsible Officer:    Head of School / Page Contact:    Steve Blackburn