Welcome to COMP1110/6710 for S1 2022! #

You should find all the information you need on this web site, on the Piazza forum and via our COMP1110 team on Microsoft Teams. All enrolled students will be sent an invite at the start of week one. Please don’t request early access.

This course has three broad foci (see learning outcomes for further detail):

  • introductory core computer science, such as data structures, programming language fundamentals, computational complexity, as well as some history;
  • software development skills, including learning the Java programming language, learning to use a distributed version control system and an integrated development environment;
  • introductory software engineering, including classic concepts in software engineering and exposure to current practice.

The course is fast-paced, particularly during the first five weeks; please carefully read the checklist for Week 1 below.

I hope that you find this course to be very rewarding, notwithstanding the fast start. Each student who completes this course should walk away with a great sense of satisfaction in completing a major project, having learned a lot, and having mastered some important software development skills along the way.

COVID-19 and Online Study #

This semester we will be running the course in hybrid mode, until and unless the University’s policy changes. Subject to the health advice at the time, lectures will be delivered live on campus and live streamed simultaneously. Students will be able to chose between a limited number of in-person, on-campus labs and virtual labs.

We will continue to provide flexible study options for those of you who are unable to travel to Canberra, consistent with the ANU’s policy and COVID response. If you are unable to attend the campus, please fill out a short survery to register your intent to partake in remote learning so that we can prepare the number of virtual and in-person labs. Unless you hear otherwise, after registering you can assume your request will be facilitated.

Week 1 Checklist #

Week 1 is particularly important in this course. Please be sure to complete the following by the end of week 1:

  • Attend both lectures.
  • Browse this web site. Be sure to read our policies on deadlines, academic integrity, email and code of conduct.
  • Sign up to the Piazza forum (you will receive an invite).
  • Sign up to the COMP1110 team on Microsoft Teams (you will receive an invite).
  • Install the software used in the course if you are participating remotely or would like the convenience of working from your personal computer.
  • Enrol in a lab class (opens Monday week 1)
  • Attend at least one lab session (in week 1, you may attend any session)
  • Complete Lab 1 and get it marked off at one of the scheduled labs (a step-by-step video shows you how to complete lab 1).
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