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Zoom Lecture Link

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Password: 123456

Week Monday Date Monday Lecture (12-2) Tuesday Lecture (1-2) Tutorial Assignment Reading Slides
1 25 July 2022 ZOOM LECTURE: Introduction. Disasters. Agile: Scrum, Vision, Features. ZOOM LECTURE: Agile Continued: Personas, Stories. No Tutorial: Sign up for tutorials Assignment 1 (Agile Basics, 5%) “Software Product Engineering” Book, Boeing, Toyota, and Toyota Talk pptx pdf
2 1 August 2022 Extracting Requirements Completing our “crash course” in Agile and Scrum. Requirements Tutorial A1 Due “An Introduction to Software Engineering” by Laurie Williams Book pptx pdf
3 8 August 2022 Exploring Code, Metrics, Analysis Tools “What am I doing here?” Going from being lost to navigating a large new code repository on your first day. GitKraken and Git Tutorial Group Assignment 1 (Inspection, 20%) “Software Engineering @ Google” Book pptx pdf
4 15 August 2022 Code Ownership and Inspection NO TUESDAY LECTURE Code Critique Tutorial GA1 Continues “Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly” Book pptx pdf
5 22 August 2022 Microservices Learning to make substantial contribution to your projects. Docker and Microservices Tutorial GA1 Due   pptx pdf
6 29 August 2022 DevOps Guest Lecture on “DevOps in Real Life” by Christian Townsend from KPMG Q&A Tutorial Group Assignment 2 (Adding Features, 20%)   pptx pdf guest pptx guest pdf


Week Monday Date Lecture (2 Hours) Extra Lecture and Q&A Tutorial Assignment Reading Slides
7 19 September 2022 Team Culture and Dynamics Ethics GitLab CI/CD Tutorial GA2 Continues   pptx pdf
8 26 September 2022 Testing NO TUESDAY LECTURE Team Dysfunction Tutorial GA2 Due   pptx pdf
9 3 October 2022 Labour Day Public Holiday (NO MONDAY LECTURE) NO TUESDAY LECTURE Picking Open Source Project Group Assignment 3 (PR for Open Source Project, 20%)    
10 10 October 2022 ZOOM LECTURE: More Testing, Then Static Analysis NO TUESDAY LECTURE Static Analysis Tools Tutorial GA3 Continues   pptx pdf
11 17 October 2022 Architecture Security Q&A Tutorial GA3 Continues   pptx pdf
12 24 October 2022 Open Source Toolchains Guest Lecture on “Open Source” by Dr Roman Klapaukh from Quaisr Group Presentations, Course Q&A and Assignment/Video Questions Group Presentation (5%) and GA3 Due   pptx pdf guest pdf


If you’re stuck, then you can reach out for help anytime—the course help page or course forum is a good place to start.

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