Our main lecture will be between on Monday 9am to 11am in the Kambri Cultural Centre Building 153 Cinema 1.02 (two hours long with a short break).
Everyone will also be expected to sign up for a 2 hour tutorial as part of joining a team - the tutorials start in week 2. Use MyTimetable system to sign up. All tutorials and lectures are in person only with no remote option available.
You can see your assignment group at https://comp.anu.edu.au/courses/comp2120/assignment-groups/.
Alex will have the following office hours (location: N328 at 108 North Road): Mondays 11am to 12pm. This is right after our lecture so you can catch Alex at the end and walk back to his office. You can also arrange to see Alex on Zoom by booking via the following link: tinyUrl.com/meetAlexPotanin.