Eye Gaze projects
We have a Mind Attention Interface lab, which has Eye Gaze and EEG equipment, and is run in the Wedge Virtual Reality studio. I am particularly interested in interesting uses of the eye gaze equipment, as well as validation using the EEG equipment.
- Generating art
- Attention
Face Recognition projects
I am interested in topics such as image processing for face recognition, HCI research tool to collect facial images, biologically plausible architectures for face recognition, building and modifying computer models of real faces. No previous work on face recognition is necessary.
- Caricature
- View morphing
- 3-D Face model
- Operator observation
Research Outline
I develop automated systems for info. extraction, from text, eye gaze and physiological human data, for synthesis into humanly useful info. resources, mostly using neural networks and fuzzy logic. This is information and human centred computing.