TechLauncher uses modern project practices to run and assess projects. This can be very different to the experiences that students have in traditional classes. The information in the Guidelines and Resources section provides insights into the way that TechLauncher runs.

TechLauncher Clinic

To help clients, teams, team members, and tutors, we have:

The Clinic

Reach out for a meeting online or in The HIVE. Clinic hours start from 8am to 4pm Mondays.

TechLauncher Notes

Prepared by TechLauncher facilitators and convener in 2022, the below is a compilation of succinct notes regarding the program.




Team Charter

Streamlining Project Activities

Audit Assessment Tasks

Risk Management



Estimation Tracking and Metrics

Complexity based Project Approach


Tips for demonstrating ‘value’ to your client, and other projects stakeholders
Audit Guidelines
Guidelines for conducting a team project audit
Many Eyes Process
How the Many Eyes Process works
TechLauncher Portals
How to log in and access the TechLauncher portal

Reading for Transdisciplinary Problem Solving

  • An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, by Hadfield
  • Knowledge Assets, by Boisot
  • The Design of everyday things, by Norman
  • The Lean Startup, by Ries
  • Wardley Maps, by Wardley
  • How Complex Systems Fail, by Cook
  • Systems Concepts in Action, by Williams and Hummelbrunner
  • Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor and Lead, by Shook
  • Cynefin, by Snowden
  • Radical Candor, by Scott
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Pirsig
  • Change Your Dam Thinking, by McQuarrie
  • The secrets of happy families, by Feller
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