Labs are where you will work on practical programming skills, under the guidance of experienced tutors.

Read the tasks for the week before you attend the labs, and make a plan on how to approach and solve the tasks ahead of time. The tutors will be are there to help and give you feedback for your ideas (not to do the job for you).

The lab documents are finalised by close of business Friday in the week before the lab—otherwise they are just a sneak preview (and can still change).


Material in these labs has been developed over many years by the COMP1100/1130 course staff. Contributors include Debashish Chakraborty, David Quarel, Joshua Corner, Ranald Clouston, Uwe Zimmer, James Barker, Clem Baker-Finch, Tony Hosking, Ekaterina Lebedeva, plus many others. Copyright © 2024 The Australian National University, All Rights Reserved.

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