Labs are where you will work on practical programming skills, under the guidance of experienced tutors.
Read the tasks for the week before you attend the labs, and make a plan on how to approach and solve the tasks ahead of time. The tutors will be are there to help and give you feedback for your ideas (not to do the job for you).
The lab documents are finalised by close of business Friday in the week before the lab—otherwise they are just a sneak preview (and can still change).
Material in these labs has been developed over many years by the COMP1100/1130 course staff. Contributors include Debashish Chakraborty, David Quarel, Joshua Corner, Ranald Clouston, Uwe Zimmer, James Barker, Clem Baker-Finch, Tony Hosking, Ekaterina Lebedeva, plus many others. Copyright © 2024 The Australian National University, All Rights Reserved.
Schedule and Tutor Contact Details
Please only email your tutor for non-general or personal questions that cannot be posted on Ed Discussions. You must include the course code (e.g., COMP1100) in the subject of the email along...
Week 0: Before you start
It is essential that you use MyTimetable to enroll in a lab session before Week 1 (this will be available from Week 0).
Week 1: ANU environment, Linux, Haskell
Welcome to the Week 1 lab for Programming as Problem Solving! The aim of this lab is to
Week 2: Gitlab, VSCode and More Haskell
This week’s lab will introduce you to more important parts of the computing environment of this course, particularly Gitlab, which will be used every time you submit work. We will then further...
Week 3: Algebraic Data Types, Pattern matching, and Guards
In this lab we will look at algebraic data types, pattern matching with the case command, and guarded expressions.
Week 4: Cabal and CodeWorld
In this lab, we will meet the Cabal package manager, which helps us work on projects with dependencies between multiple files. We will then program with the codeworld-api library, which provides us...
Week 5: Recursion and Lists
In this lab we learn about the concept of recursion, which gives us the ability to “loop”, or repeat the same instruction many times over. We also investigate our first recursive data...
Week 6: More Lists, Parametric polymorphism, Recursive Data Types
This lab covers more recursive functions over lists, the concept of parametric polymorphism, and how it can be used to write functions that operate on more general types than before. We will...
Week 7: Style and Testing
This lab covers two aspects of code quality: style, which is the way to write readable code; and verifying correctness via testing.