There are lots of online resources that help with all sorts of Haskell questions. Here are some of them.

  • FP Complete’s School of Haskell, a set of online tutorials.
  • Real World Haskell, by Bryan O’Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen, published by O’Reilly. A thorough and detailed introduction to Haskell that gets into the nitty gritty of using Haskell effectively in the “real world”. Can be read online for free, or in dead tree form.
  • Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! is a whimsical and easy-to-follow Haskell tutorial, with super awesome illustrations. Also available online or in dead tree form.
  • Beginning Haskell is a recent addition to the Haskell canon. It can be seen as an update of Real World Haskell. This is not available for free.
  • Some reflections on Haskell.
  • The Haskell wikibook actually contains a substantial amount of well-written information; a great resource if you’re having trouble understanding a particular topic and want a different approach.
  • The Haskell wiki is a huge grab-bag of all sorts of information, examples, explanations. The quality varies but it’s definitely a great resource.
  • The Typeclassopedia explains many of the type classes in the standard libraries (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Monoid, Arrow, Foldable, Traversable…).
  • Planet Haskell aggregates blog posts from the Haskell community.
  • There is a Haskell subreddit for aggregating Haskell-related websites, blog posts, and news.
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