Assessment Scheme#

Here are the assessments for COMP2300/6300/ENGN2219.

All times are in Canberra Time.

Assessment Item Weighting Due Date Feedback Date (Approx)
Quiz 1 2.5% 08/03/2024 - 11:59 pm 9/03/2024 1
Checkpoint 2 5% 15/03/2024 - 11:59 pm 29/03/2024
Quiz 2 2.5% 28/04/2024 - 11:59 pm 29/04/2024 1
Assignment 1 20% 07/04/2024 - 11:59 pm 21/04/2024
Quiz 3 2.5%3 12/05/2024 - 11:59 pm 13/05/2024 1
Quiz 4 2.5%3 26/05/2024 - 11:59 pm 27/05/2024 1
Assignment 2 20% 24/05/2024 - 11:59 pm 14/06/2024
Final Exam 45% See Page N/A

Assessment Pages#

  1. The quizzes will be automarked, and feedback will released immediately after the due date.  2 3 4

  2. The checkpoint is an opportunity for early feedback with smaller tasks that will be similar to what you have been doing in the Digital labs / what will be asked of you in Assignment 1. 

  3. We will take the best two quiz scores out of four to calculate your quiz grade, which is worth 10% of your final mark.  2

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