At the beginning of the course we gave you a microbit and said “this is yours to keep forever” and we totally meant that! However, we know that not everybody wants to keep their microbit, so if, at the end of COMP2300/6300/ENGN2219, you don’t want it, you are free to return it.

Microbit Recycling Program#

The idea is that you can return a microbit that you don’t want, and we will keep it in our collection for use in future educational or research purposes. It might be used in future versions of the course, in other courses, or with visitors to ANU for workshops or outreach events.

Where to recycle it?#

You can drop off your old microbit in the box provided in the CSSA lab.

What if I want to use it later?#

Well, we can’t give you YOUR microbit back later. You’ll just have to buy another yourself.

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