Course Outline


COMP3620/6320 is organized in 3 main topics:

1 Search  
2 Knowledge Repr. and Reasoning (KRR)  
3 Planning  

Each topic is about 6 lectures long.

In addition to the 3 main topics, there is an introduction to AI in the first week and 2 guest lectures in the end of the semester (speakers to be defined).

The deliverables for COMP3620/6320 are:

  • 3 assignments (one per topic)
  • multiple mini quizzes (only the best 10 count)
  • 3 long quizzes (1 per topic)
  • final exam (all assessable material)

For more information regarding the deliverables, late/extension policies, final marks and grades, see the course policies

Each topic is also accompanied by 2 tutorials and 2 lab sessions. For the:

  • Tutorials
    • The goal is to help understand the material and prepare exam.
    • We will discuss a list of questions and you have to try answering them before the tutorial.
    • There is a quiz in the end of each tutorial to provide a reality check (that is, check if you are really understanding the material so far).
  • Labs
    • The labs are unstructured (i.e., there is no lab/question sheet) and self-guided (i.e., you need to bring questions).
    • The goal is to get help from the tutors with the assignments
    • You have to get started well in advance with the assignments to make the most of the opportunity


Course Book: (recommended):

    Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach
    S. Russel and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall, 2010

Others (available on-line for free inside ANU network):

    A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning
    B. Bonet and H. Geffner, Morgan & Claypool, 2013

Contact & Information

See the communication policy

Updated:    22 Feb 2024 / Responsible Officer:    Head of School / Page Contact:    Jochen Renz