
In this course we will use python version is 3.7. If you have never used python then have a look at this basic tutorial. If you have used only python 2 or used python a long time ago, here is a list of the key differences between python 2 and 3.

We suggest you to install Anaconda Python 2019.10 or later so that you have the same coding environment as in ANU’s labs. Notice that you are not required to use Anaconda but you are required to use python 3.7.

In every assignment, a small percentage of its grade is for coding style. You are asked to write good and efficient code and also follow PEP 8 style (a Python standard). See this tutorial for a quick introduction to PEP 8.

If you’re using an ANU lab computer, you need to use the Anaconda3 shell to run python (don’t use the built-in terminal).

Updated:    22 Feb 2024 / Responsible Officer:    Head of School / Page Contact:    Jochen Renz