
  • Questions: please download the PDF from here.
  • PPT slide for Q12: please download the PPT from here.
  • Deadline: due on October 5, 2022 11:59 pm (AEST). No late submissions. Check here for the time in where you are.
  • Weight: 20% of the final grade.


You can work on the homework in a group. The group members remain the same ones as for the first assignment.


  • We do NOT accept late submissions.
  • Please contact the course convenor if you require an extension due to extenuating circumstances.
  • Please submit a single Pdf solution file via email: comp3710arch2022@gmail.com


All students must abide by the following policy regarding homework submissions.

  1. Both students in a group must contribute to the solutions. Each of the two students must read and fully understand the questions and the final submitted solution.
  2. Students do not need to list the name of their group member as a source for ideas that lead to any answers. Students must identify all other sources that contribute to their solutions. Other sources include discussions with students other than the group member.
  3. To be fair to all students, we will randomly interview individual members of a group. We will penalize both group members if a student appears to have not read the questions or contributed to the submission in a meaningful way.
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