Mathematics Perquisites

The following textbooks can be used if you need extra help with linear algebra or vector calculus:

  • Linear Algebra (3rd edition or 3rd edition update, or 4th edition) by David Lay.
  • Essential Calculus (2nd edition) by James Stewart.
  • Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version (10th or 11th edition) by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres.

Linear and Mixed Integer Programming

AIMMS Optimization Modeling by Johannes Bisschop is freely available online. However, there are a number of other Linear Programming and Integer Programming books in the Hancock library basement, which you can use. For many there are only single copies available, so if you would like some extra reading, I’ll leave it up to you to browse through them and pick the one that resonates best.

Convex Optimisation

Convex Optimisation by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe is freely available online (if you have done COMP4680/8650 it will be familiar).

Software Documentation

Updated:    23 Jul 2024 / Responsible Officer:    Director, School of Computing / Page Contact:    Felipe Trevizan