In addition to this FAQ page, this course has a dedicated help page.


What do I need from the maths perquisites?

You should be comfortable with basic linear algebra: matrix and vector notation, visualisation, operators, transpose, rank, solving linear systems.

You should also be comfortable with partial derivatives and vector calculus: first and second derivatives, taking the gradient with the ∇ operator.

For suggested resources see books and links.

Where can I sign up for labs?

There is no need to sign up. If you have a clash and can’t attend the appropriate session, you may join the other.


Can’t import pulp, package not found

If you are running your script from the command line, ensure you run python3 rather than just python (which links to python2).

If you are using and IDE, you need to ensure it is pointing at the correct python interpreter / environment that has python installed. For the SoCo Linux image this means pointing at /usr/bin/python3. The anaconda environment does not have pulp installed.

Importing pulp gives error: ImportError: cannot import name ‘clock’ from ‘time’ (unknown location)

This error indicates that your version of python and PuLP are incompatible. Specifically, python 3.8 has deprecated something that breaks pulp 1.6.x. Your best bet is to get a more recent version of PuLP.

Updated:    23 Jul 2024 / Responsible Officer:    Director, School of Computing / Page Contact:    Felipe Trevizan