
In this lab you will:

  1. Understand what shaders are and how they are used
  2. Understand where to find shaders and how to include them in your project
  3. Learn what vertex and fragment shader files are for
  4. Start to learn the GLSL shader language and how it is used in p5.js

Fork and Clone Lab 4 from the GitLab Repository.

Intro - What are Shaders?

In p5.js we have created graphics using line, circle, ellipse, box. These commands are implemented to draw pixels in the required shape at the specified location using the specified colour.

These commands run in the browser - using the resources of the CPU of the computer. Modern CPUs are fast. Graphic processing units (GPUs) are faster, have greater graphic processing capabilities, but they have limitations as well.

Shaders enable the programmer to instruct the GPU to take on the load of calculating the graphic drawing: enabling faster processing (faster graphics also means more responsive interaction), and additional graphic rendering effects. Shaders require an additional set of files (2 files per shader) to implement and run within a sketch.

Note: shaders are also complex, use a different programming language to Javascript, and can be difficult to debug.

Shaders can be used in 2D graphics and 3D graphics! Either way, you must use WEBGL if you want to use shaders.

Shader Resources

The simplest and easiest way to use shaders is to find some shader resources and add them to your project.

WEBGL shaders are written in the GLSL shader language.

P5.js requires 2 files per shader: a vertex shader and a fragment shader. When searching for GLSL shaders you may find a shader which has the vertex and fragment shader in a single file: this must be separated into 2 files (vertex and fragment) if you want to use it in your sketch.

Some good shader resources can be found at:

How to Use a Shader

Follow along in the demonstration:

1) download shader files to your assets folder 2) load the shader files in the preload function 3) pass any needed information to the shader 3) instruct p5.js to use the shader when drawing something 4) run and enjoy

// Preloading a Shader
let funkyShader;

function preload() {
  // load the shader file
  funkyShader = loadShader('assets/funky-shader.vert', 'assets/funky-shader.frag');
// Applying a Shader 2D
function draw() {
  // shader() sets the active shader.  It is used what is drawn next (until no shader)
  // apply the shader to a rectangle 
// Setting up a 3D Shader
function setup() {
    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL); // WEBGL needed for shaders
    // initialize the createGraphics layers (for the shader texture)
    shaderTexture = createGraphics(width, height, WEBGL);

// Applying a Shader 3D
function draw() {
    background(0); // a black background 

    ambientLight(100, 100, 100);  // the lightness of the world
    pointLight(180, 180, 180, 3*width/4, height / 4, 400);  // like a torch

    push(); // save our transform state
    translate(0, 300, 0); // move down the screen
    rotateX(PI / 2); // rotate 1/4 of a circle around X-axis
    ambientMaterial(250, 150, 200);  // create a material which is "flat" but responds to light
    plane(1000, 1000);  // draw a 2D plane in 3D space of dimensions 1000 * 1000 units
    pop();  // restore transforms to state prior to push()

    translate(mouseX / 2 - width / 4, mouseY / 2 - height / 4, -20);
    rotateZ(frameCount * 0.02); // rotate around the Z-axis with speed determined by frameCount
    rotateY(frameCount * 0.004);
    //specularMaterial(100, 200, 200); // create a shiny material with a colour
    shininess(30); // define the level of glossiness of the material
    torus(200, 40, 36, 20); // draw a torus(outside radius, tube radius, detail in X, detail in Y)
    shaderTexture.rect(0, 0, width, height); // push the texture through

Vertex Shader

Vertex shaders transform 3D coordinates into different 3D coordinates: mapping from geometry to shader coordinates. In shader coordinate systems the minimum value is zero, and the maximum value is 1.0. Values are floating point numbers. Even when working with 2D coordinate systems, shaders always use 3D coordinates for vertices. We can also use the vertex shader to do some basic processing on the vertex attributes.

// position info for gl_Position
attribute vec3 aPosition;

// texture coordinates
attribute vec2 aTexCoord;

// the varying variable will pass the texture coordinate to our fragment shader
varying vec2 vTexCoord;

void main() {

  // assign attribute to varying, so it can be used in the fragment
  vTexCoord = aTexCoord;
  vec4 positionVec4 = vec4(aPosition, 1.0);
  positionVec4.xy = positionVec4.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
  gl_Position = positionVec4;

An attribute enables us to send and receive vertex coordinates between the shader and the p5.js sketch. It is a vec3 - it has 3 dimensions [x,y,z]. p5.js sends vertex information automatically from rect() or vertex().

varying means that the information acts as an automatic parameter (shared data) between the Vertex shader and the Fragment shader

The void main() function comes from the C-language family. void means it does not return a value. main() means that this is the main function, called once when we invoke the shader.

Vertex shaders require that gl_Position is assigned a value. Usually this is the last thing we do in the vertex shader. It is a proxy return value! This defines our map between the input aPosition and the shader coordinates.

Fragment Shader

Fragment shader determine how pixels (or, more correctly - positions on surfaces) are coloured. They require the vertex positions from the vertex shader, and a set of instructions about how to colour/shade each position at and between vertices.

Fragment shaders must set a value to gl_FragColor. This is the proxy return value for a fragment shader, and is usually the last thing we do in the fragment shader.

precision mediump float;

varying vec2 vTexCoord;

void main() {
  // now because of the varying vTexCoord, we can access the current texture coordinate
  vec2 uv = vTexCoord;

  // and now these coordinates are assigned to the color output of the shader
  gl_FragColor = vec4(uv,1.0,1.0);

precision determines the level of precision in calculating and applying textures. It can be lowp, mediump or highp.

varying means that the information acts as an automatic parameter (shared data) between the Vertex shader and the Fragment shader


We have already seen some of GLSL looking at vertex shaders and fragment shaders above.

GLSL stands for OpenGL Shading Language.

It is a high level shading language with a syntax based on the C programming language.

Technically, WebGL uses a subset of GLSL known as GLSL ES (embedded systems).

WebGL version 2.0 uses GLSL ES v 3.00.6 (based on GLSL 3.30). The latest version of GLSL is 4.60.5

The C Programming Language is strongly typed, which means that every variable is declared as containing a specific type of data (or object).

The most relevant types for us are: | Type | Description | | :— | :— | | float | a number with decimal points and an exponent | | int | whole numbers, 0 and negative whole numbers | | bool | a boolean value | | vec2(x,y) | a Vector of 2 floats | | vec3(x,y,z) | a Vector of 3 floats | | vec4(r,g,b,a) | a Vector of 4 floats | | mat2(x0, y0, x1, y1) | a 2*2 matrix | | sampler2D | a reference to a texture object |

Every statement must be separated by a semi-colon (end of line is acceptable in Javascript - not in C or GLSL)

int and float cannot be used interchangeably: you must explicitly convert the types.

In the examples above we have seen how attribute and varying are used to enable some automatic transfer of data between the p5.js sketch (for attribute) and between vertex and fragment shaders (for varying).

What if you want to pass more information - for additional control. You might want to use the passing of time to control a texture. Or you might want to use mouse position data. Or pass any other information.

For this purpose we declare a variable as uniform. The uniform qualifier is used to declare global variables whose values are the same across the entire primitive being processed. All uniform variables are read-only. This unchanging nature of uniforms applies within the Shader. Uniforms can receive new information through myShader.setUniform(uniform_variable_name, value) in your sketch.

You must, of course, send the same shape of data as required by the uniform variable declaration.

Remember to commit your code and push it up to Gitlab.


Congratulations! In this lab you:

  1. Learned what shaders are and how they are used
  2. Found some shaders and how to include them in your project
  3. Learned the difference between vertex and fragment shader files
  4. Started to experiment with the GLSL shader language
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