
In this lab you will:

  1. reflect on the goals you set for your artefact or performance design
  2. review the assessment criteria
  3. discuss your artefacts (code, art and documentation) with your instructor
  4. explore and potentially implement some variations to your project


Welcome back creative coders! It’s another week of working on your project. As we mentioned last week, the class will turn into a studio space where you come along and work on your project and seek feedback on your work. As a consequence, there will be less structured material in the lab web pages until Portfolio Item 2.

Portfolio Item 1 is due on Friday 31 May 2024.

Do: If you haven’t already, Fork and Clone the portfolio repo for your project. Remember to stage, commit and push to GitLab at the end of the lesson.


Look at what you have made so far:

  • does it align with the theme A Better World?
  • have you used the p5.js 3D graphics or shader capabilities?

Do you have:

  • an outline of your decision making for this portfolio entry?
  • a history of git commits?
  • photos or screen captures of your work?
  • documentation for the planning / explorations
  • links to any external code/resources you used


The assessment criteria evaluates:

  • Interaction Design
  • Artistic Output
  • Critical Exploration of the Theme
  • Technical Quality (including Virtual World creation)

Using the rubric provided, how do you assess your response?


Ensure you take time this class to speak with your instructor about your response. Show what you have made/written so far. Discuss what you think you may need. Ask questions!


While “variations” is not a category of the assessment criteria, variations are mentioned under the “A” to “E” criteria for:

  • Interaction Design (explores several) AND
  • Artistic Output (clear evolution)

Some evidence of exploring different alternatives (even through your conceptualisation/ideation) will contribute to your grade.


Document your experiments, decisions, alternative implementations, challenges into the markdown file portfolio-entry-2.md Try out some formatting. You may wish to include an image (put the image in your assets folder). You can make multiple copies of portfolio-entry-2.md - just increment the numbers for each file.

You will see that there are several headings already in there. These headings are there to help you structure your portfolio documentation and, perhaps, interpret the theme from some different perspectives.


Congratulations! In this lab you:

  1. reflected on the goals you set for your artefact or performance
  2. reviewed your portfolio 1 submission through the lens of the assessment criteria
  3. discussed your artefact with instructors in its current state
  4. explored and potentially implemented some variations to your project
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