
In this lab you will:

  1. assess the impact of the changes to ml5.js on your portfolio item(s)
  2. discuss your plans to implement the core elements of your portfolio item
  3. evaluate your progress against the portfolio item marking criteria
  4. implement some variations to an aspect of your portfolio item


Welcome back creative coders! It’s another week of working on your portfolio.

If you haven’t already, Fork and Clone the portfolio repo for your portfolio item 2. You DO NOT need to fork and clone if you have previously forked.

Part 1: What Just Happened to ML5.JS?

If you visit the ml5.js website today you will find that it has dramatically changed since last week.

The content for both the Learn page and the Community page are both “coming soon”.

Getting Started tells you how to implement the Image Classifier model.

The models listed in the Reference include:

and, separated from these:

All the other models have disappeared from the Reference guide.

The FAQ lists the deprecated models.

These include:

  • FeatureExtractor
  • ObjectDetection
  • PoseNet
  • BodyPix
  • FaceApi (use FaceMesh)
  • UNet (use BodySegmentation)
  • KNN Classifier
  • kMeans
  • StyleTransfer
  • Pix2Pix
  • CVAE
  • SketchRNN
  • PitchDetection
  • CharRNN
  • Word2Vec

For MOST of these, you will need to use ml5.js version 0.12.2.

To use version 0.12.2, you need to change the library you import.

Open index.html


 <script src="https://unpkg.com/ml5@latest/dist/ml5.min.js"></script>


 <script src="https://unpkg.com/ml5@0.12.2/dist/ml5.min.js"></script>

So what is the *latest version now?

The Getting Started Guide says to use this:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/ml5@1/dist/ml5.min.js"></script>

The URL https://unpkg.com/ml5@1/dist/ml5.min.js redirects to https://unpkg.com/ml5@1.0.1/dist/ml5.js.

So the latest version is 1.0.1. This is a significant step up from 0.12.2.

NOTE: To use StyleTransfer, you still need to use version 0.5.0.

What do I need to do?

You must decide what works for your portfolio item!

If you are using only models which have been updated - I encourage you to try to get the latest version working. But you can choose to use version 0.12.2 to avoid issues.

If you are using ANY of the deprecated models (excluding StyleTransfer), then you must use version 0.12.2. It will be impossible to use multiple versions of the ml5.js library - so stick with what works.

If you are using StyleTransfer, then you must use version 0.5.0 or earlier (e.g. v 0.4.3)

UNFORTUNATELY the documentation for older versions of ml5.js is no longer on the website. Ask if you need help to find out how models work (or should work). There are still many examples available online for the older libraries and deprecated models.

Part 2: Towards a Portfolio Item

If you are yet to come up with an interpretation of the theme Moral Intelligence, or you have some ideas, but you’re not sure where to start, it’s not too late! Work through the exercises in this section before moving to Part 2 of this lab. If you’ve already started implementing your project, you can skip ahead to Part 2.

Interpreting the theme: Moral Intelligence

It’s super important that you explore potential interpretations of the theme if you haven’t already. That way, you can get stuck into building your portfolio item – there are only two classes (including today) until the portfolio item is due.

do: Spend 15 minutes brainstorming all possible associations, connotations, imagery and symbols you can derive from the phrase Moral Intelligence. From this brainstorm, select one interpretation you would like to explore through your artefact. Discuss your ideas with one of your peers or your instructor.

Planning for your implementation

do: Sketch out the main components of your project which you will need to implement. If you’re not sure where to start, call over one of your instructors to discuss some ideas.

Part 3: Variations

If you have already identified the fundamental components of your portfolio item and have begun implementing these components, you can make a start on this section of the lab.

Review the marking criteria for your portfolio item.

  • incorporated interaction design
  • artistic output enhances your interpretation of the theme
  • exploration of the creative context of the theme
  • discussed the take home messages
  • engaged with AI generation of artistic content

During this activity, we will explore different ways we can communicate some aspect of your interpretation of the theme, either through an interaction or an artistic output. We will also help you think about why some interaction designs and visual/sonic output designs might be more/less engaging than others.

talk: Identify one component of your artefact which communicates something about your interpretation of the theme through an interaction or through visual/sonic output. Discuss what you’re trying to communicate through this component with an instructor. In your discussion, identify any potential strengths or limitations your current implementation has when it comes to communicating your interpretation.

do: Spend the rest of the lab brainstorming and/or implementing as many variations of your chosen interaction or visual/sonic output. Think about which variations express or communicate your interpretation of the theme most effectively and why.


Congratulations! In this lab you:

  1. made a plan for handling the unexpected changes to ml5.js
  2. discussed your plans to implement the core elements of your portfolio item
  3. evaluated your progress against the portfolio item marking criteria
  4. implemented some variations to an aspect of your portfolio item
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