Women are significantly underrepresented in computing, including within the ANU School of Computing, at all levels. This limits our diversity of new ideas, innovative approaches and ground-breaking results. The aim of the PWP is to address this underrepresentation by attracting more female staff and students to the School, by offering incentives that both support the career and personal goals of women in the field, and the Strategic Intent of the School (which is aligned to the College and the University). In addition to financial support for education and research the scheme aims to provide recognition of merit that forms part of the future track record of successful candidates, setting them on the path to success.


  • Increase the number of female higher degree by research (HDR) student completing Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees.
  • Develop the research careers of early to mid-career female staff by supporting research aimed at seeding new collaborations and engagements with industry.
  • Increase the number of female teaching staff to provide visible role models to undergraduates.

Pioneering Women Scholarships (PWS)

The PWS scheme provides top-up scholarships for female HDR students accepted to the School of Computing, regardless of whether the main scholarship is supported by the Australian government (RTP), the Australian National University (URS), a research grant (e.g. ARC or NHMRC) or an industry partner. The value of the PWS is AUD$10,000 p.a. for up to four years.

PWS applicants submit a 1 page application to the Chair of the School of Computing HDR Scholarship Ranking Committee within 1 week of the close of applications of the HDR Round, outlining their track record relative to opportunity and the impact the scholarship will have on their HDR career. This will be passed to the PWP Chair and independently assessed, along with the Statement of Support (SoS) from their proposed supervisor submitted to the Graduate Research Office, following the College ranking meeting, and a recommendation made by the PWP Chair.

The number of PWS offered may vary year on year and can be sponsored. Applications may be received in HDR Round 1 (DOM), Round 1 (INTL) and Round 2 (DOM+INTL) each year. We aim to offer 3 per year.

More information about applying for Postgraduate Research at the ANU School of Computing can be found here.

Applications Open in April, August and October.

*This scheme is currently CLOSED. Opening August 2024.

Pioneering Women Fellowships (PWF)

The PWF scheme provides seed funding for female early career researchers in the School of Computing to undertake independent preliminary research on a project designed to underpin a substantiative grant application or industry engagement. The scheme is open to academic and research staff at levels B, C and D and is valued at AUD$20,000 p.a. for up to 1 year.

Applicants for the PWF respond to an Open Call and submit a 1 page proposal explaining how the project advances their research and the impact it will have on future opportunities, along with a short summary of their track record, and an corroborating letter of recommendation from their supervisor, mentor or industry partner. The applications will be independently assessed.

The PWF may be sponsored and be targeted to a particular area of research or engagement. The number of PWF offered per year may vary, but we aim to offer 1 per year. Timing of Open Calls may vary, and will be announced here.

*This scheme is currently CLOSED.

Pioneering Women Lectureships (PWL)

The PWL scheme provides substantial support for new female staff to design, develop and deliver extended projects to support and promote women in computing, and directly address factors affecting the under-representation of women in the School. This may include, but is not limited to, events, undergraduate (Honours) scholarships, summer internships, mentoring and visitors. The scheme is open to successful applicants to the School of Computing tenure track program and is valued at AUD$20,000 p.a. for up to 5 years.

Applicants for the PWL are received via ANU Jobs at the time of application to the tenure track program and consist of 1 page outlining how the applicant’s career has been inspired by pioneering women in computing, and the proposed project and activities. Complete applications include curriculum vitae and tenure track selection report are assessed independently following a formal offer to the tenure tack program.

The number of PWF offered per year may vary and can be sponsored. We aim to offer 1 per year.

*This scheme is currently CLOSED.

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