Make sure you have signed up for a tutorial through the new MyTimetable system. Assignment groups will be randomly allocated within your chosen tutorial. Please only sign up for ZOOM labs IF you are based overseas and are unable to travel to Canberra for reasons beyond your control.

Week Tutorial Handout
1 No Tutorial: Sign up for tutorials! MyTimetable
2 Requirements Tutorial Tutorial 1
3 GitKraken and Git Tutorial Tutorial 2
4 Code Critique Tutorial Tutorial 3
5 Docker and Microservices Tutorial Tutorial 4
6 Q&A Tutorial  


Week Tutorial Handout
7 GitLab CI/CD Tutorial Tutorial 5
8 Team Dysfunction Tutorial Tutorial 6
9 Picking Open Source Project Tutorial 7
10 Static Analysis Tools Tutorial Static Analysis at Google
11 Q&A Tutorial  
12 Group Presentations, Course Q&A and Assignment/Video Questions  
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