Alex Antic

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Picture of Alex Antic


Data Science
Software Innovation Institute





Dr Alex Antic’s interests lie in the following areas of interest:

  • Confidential Computing - including privacy preserving entity resolution
  • Machine Learning - including interpretable and explainable
  • NLP - including text-to-speech machine translation
  • Graph Analytics
  • AI Ethics/Bias/Fairness
  • Cyber Security
  • Valuation of Financial Derivatives
  • Investment Portfolio Optimisation & Asset Allocation
  • Mathematical Modelling of Stored Grain Microclimates
  • Solutions to Coupled PDEs


Dr Alex Antic is a trusted and experienced Data & Analytics Leader, Advisor, Strategist, and a highly sought-after Speaker, Educator & Advisory Board member. He has a proven record of delivering innovative, strategic and successful initiatives in industry, government & academia, by developing and leading high-performance teams, hands-on technical expertise, and strategic advisory.

Alex possesses a rare blend of technical expertise and business acumen – acting as a linchpin to help organisations achieve their strategic goals by leveraging AI technology.

With a passion for helping organisations succeed, Alex is dedicated to shaping Australia’s future through the responsible use of analytics to drive impact and change. He’s experienced at simplifying complex technical issues, and helping organisations create a data-driven evidence-based decision-making culture.

He has 18+ years post-PhD experience and knowledge in areas that include Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Statistics and Quantitative Analysis, developed across multiple domains: Federal Government, Asset Management, Insurance, Academia, Banking (Investment and Retail) & Consulting.

His qualifications include a PhD in Applied Mathematics, First Class Honours in Pure Mathematics, and a degree in Computer Science. Alex also holds a government security clearance, and along with his extensive experience and network throughout the Federal Government, is happy to assist APS agencies and departments.

How Can Alex Assist You?

  • Keynotes and other speaking engagement
  • Consulting Services
  • Executive & Board Level Appointments
  • Technical & Executive Training
  • Expert Commentary

Activities & Awards

Alex was recognised in 2020 as one of the Top 10 Analytics Leaders in Australia by IAPA (Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia). Judged by a panel of analytics and business leaders, this accolade recognises excellence in strategy, impact, advocacy, innovation and leadership.

He holds a number of board and advisory roles across industry, government, startups and academia, including:

  • Technical Advisory Board (Australian Computer Society)
  • Academic Advisory Body (State Super)
  • Advisory Board (University of Adelaide – School of Mathematical Sciences)
  • Strategic Analytics Advisor (AUSTRAC)
  • Advisor (AddAxis)
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