I am a postdoctoral research fellow for the Humanizing Machine Intelligence Grand Challenge at the Australian National University. I am also finishing my second Ph.D. in philosophy, specializing in philosophy of science and technology, at the University of Toronto (expected graduation 2021). In 2015, I obtained my first Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD) where I worked on developing mathematical models and computational algorithms for large-scale, data-driven decision making. Before that I studied engineering and mathematics in Switzerland, Sweden, and Iran.
I write and teach about issues such as the philosophy, ethics, and politics of AI and computing, the roles of mathematics in empirical sciences and normative inquiry, the epistemological/social/political implications of mathematical and computational modeling in the social world, values in sciences and decision making, and modeling of morality. I have secondary interests in Middle Eastern (Islamic, Jewish, and Ancient Persian) philosophy.
Activities & Awards
What’s new?
- March 2021: I accepted a tenure-track assistant professor (Chancellor’s Fellow) position in the philosophy department, the Edinburgh’s Futures Institute, and the Centre for Technomoral Futures at the University of Edinburgh.
- During Summer — Fall 2021, I will be a visiting research scientist at DeepMind (London, UK), working on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
- Dec 2020: I made it to the list of 100 Brilliant women in AI Ethics for 2021.
- Sep 2020: I am a co-organizer of a special issue on Philosophy of Science in Light of AI.
- July 2020: My paper A New Role for Mathematics in Empirical Sciences is accepted for publication at Philosophy of Science.