Hongdong Li


Picture of Hongdong Li

Brian Anderson Building 115, Office B163


+61 2 6125 7708

Intelligent Systems


Google Scholar

ANU Research Profile


Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Robotics & AI.


My research interest focuses on 3D visual perception, robot navigation and autonomous driving, machine learning, and AI (artificial intelligence) in general.


I am a Professor in Computer Vision @ANU. I am a founding CI (Chief Investigator) for the Australia ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision (CE14—$40 million funding strength), and a faculty member of the Computer Vision and Robotics group at the ANU, where I do teaching and research in the field of Computer Vision (3D Vision Reconstruction, SFM and Robot SLAM), Image Processing, and Machine Learning. I was a visiting professor at the Robotics Institute of CMU, Carnegie Mellon University, for 2017— 2018. During 2008-2009 I was with NICTA as a Senior Scientist contributing to the ARC-funded Australia’s Bionic Eye (special initiative, major grant of $52 millions). Prior to 2010 I was a Fellow with the RSISE @ ANU and a seconded Senior Researcher with NICTA (National ICT Australia), Canberra Labs until 2008. I am privileged to be working under the mentoring of Professor Richard Hartley at ANU since 2004. Previously I was Associate School Director (Research) for ANU School of Engineering.

Activities & Awards

I am an Area Chair for ICCV 2021 and CVPR 2021, Area Chair for ECCV 2020 and Area Chair for CVPR 2020 at Seattle 2020. I am ICCV 2019 Presentation Chair and Area Chair. I serve on the Editorial Board as Associate Editor for the IEEE- Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)— the No.1 journal in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, and Associate Editor for Image and Vision Computing, IPSJ CVA, IET-CV etc. Program Chair for DICTA 2017, ACCV 2018, ACRA 2015, and Area Chair for recent year CVPR, ICCV, BMVC, Program Chair for ACCV 2018, and 3DV.

Jointly with my PhD students and colleagues we won a number of the most prestigious awards in Computer Vision research, including the IEEE CVPR Best Paper Award, ICCV Marr Prize (Honourable Mention), IEEE-ICPR Best Student Paper Award, IEEE ICIP Best Student Paper Award, DSTO Best Paper Prize, and multiple DICTA Best Paper Awards.

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