Qing Wang

Associate Professor, FHEA, and Associate Director International

Picture of Qing Wang

Hanna Neumann Building 145, Office 4.26


+61 2 6125 4625

Data Science & Analytics
Intelligent Systems


Google Scholar

ANU Research Profile



My research focuses on developing new techniques, algorithms and tools for managing data in a complex and dynamic world. Nowadays, the challenges of data management are ubiquitous. Government sectors, industry companies and research communities all face various difficulties in managing data, e.g., how to guarantee quality, how to improve efficiency for large-scale data processing, and how to discover useful knowledge from imperfect data. My research activities are centered around tackling these challenges using both traditional database methods, as well as emerging techniques in data mining and machine learning.

Areas of research

Graph machine learning; Graph algorithms; Data management; Data analytics.


Dr Qing Wang is an Associate Professor at the Australian National University (ANU). She joined ANU in April 2012, and leads the Graph Research Lab and the Database Group at the School of Computing. Prior to this, She was an Information Systems Analyst at the PBRF team, Deputy Vice Chancellor’s Office (Research), University of Otago, New Zealand. Dr Wang has more than a decade of industry experience in China and New Zealand in the areas of data management and data analysis.


Dr Qing Wang received her PhD (Dr.rer.nat.) in Computer Science (Summa Cum Laude) from Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, in 2010. Before that, she received a Master of Information Systems (First Class Honours) from Massey University, New Zealand, a Master of Economics from Jinan University and a Bachelor of Engineering from South China University of Technology, China.

Activities & Awards

Fellowships, grants & awards

Dr Qing Wang is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) since December 2015 and obtained ANU Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2015. She received the Best Paper Award at the 33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling in 2014, and the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference in 2009.

She is a chief investigator in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project “Deep Learning for Graph Isomorphism” together with Professor Brendan McKay, 2021-2023, a chief investigator in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project: “Creating the social genome: Advanced techniques for linking dynamic data” together with Professor Peter Christen and Professor Erhard Rahm, 2016-2018, and a co-investigator in the project “Advancing data integration: Privacy and semantics for record linkage” funded under the 2015-2016 Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme.

She has won Excellence Grant by the Governor of Upper-Austria, Austria, 2013, an Endeavour Research Fellowship Award, Australia, 2012 (declined), Research Grant for Doctoral Candidates and Young Scientists and Academics, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany, 2010, Bright Futures Top Achiever Doctoral Scholarship, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand, 2006-2009, Todd Foundation Award for Excellence, New Zealand, 2005.

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