“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome” - Charlie Munger

ANU TechLauncher: team engagements with government and industry. Photos in carousel by CECS Marketing are of teams celebrating with their clients at ANU TechLauncher Showcase 2019 and 2023.

Launch an Idea, Launch a Startup, Launch a Career!

Industry, business and government organisations engaging and collaborating with transdisciplinary teams of young researchers and professionals to develop, prototype and launch real solutions. TechLauncher is an initiative which enables folks at the Australian National University to develop and exhibit research and professional skills while bringing great ideas to life and positively impacting society.

Alongside practising and developing discipline specific competences in a collaborative project context, skill set development includes communication and stakeholder management, critical thinking, design, teamwork, time management and a diverse range of other valuable skills and competencies sought by investors, colleagues, and employers.

Professional and technical skill development in TechLauncher is within a context that is much broader than the ANU. Teams work collaboratively with industry professionals, technology experts and entrepreneurs to complete projects addressing complex problems in a variety of disciplines and industries, or to create their own startup enterprises. It is this context and breadth of involvement that provides our teams with a deeply engaged and effective learning environment.

Get involved

TechLauncher is an inclusive program open to people across the university and the broader community.

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TechLauncher Partners

The program only exists with generous support and engagment from industry, our partners from the innovation ecosystem, the ACT Government, and The Canberra Innovation Network.

 Music for Canberra  Talo Labs ACT Government CBRIN CHELT
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