Each week you’ll get a new set of challenges to work through, and the labs are the best time to get help from your colleagues and tutors.

Schedule and Locations

For the schedule and in-person locations, see ANU MyTimetable.

Please note that labs in week 1 and week 12 are being run as drop in sessions (as per ANU MyTimetable).

Lab Attendance

We expect you to attend your lab every week in COMP1720/6720 (that is, the one you have registered to in MyTimetable). But, if you’re sick or have some other reason that you’re unable to make it, make a private post on the forum with some other lab times that you might be able to attend.

  • You can change lab time (or join a waiting list to change) in MyTimetable while the system is open. Once MyTimetable is closed for changes, you may not change time.


Contacting your tutors

Tutors are not available for private help or questions outside of lab time but they do answer public questions on the forum. If you need help outside of labs:

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