Under Construction
This page is currently being updated for Semester 1, 2025 and the information present may change or be outdated. Keep checking back regularly to see the most up to date information.
Information for remote students
Since 2023, this course has resumed on-campus delivery. To undertake and get the most out of this course, you should be in Canberra and on-campus. If you have unavoidable travel restrictions/visa delays, please get in contact with us and we can discuss further.
Beyond any further discussions with us, the following applies for online students.
You will need a computer and internet connection to complete this course. Mobile devices (e.g., smartphone, iPad) will not be enough. You must be able to install the course software (see the software setup page for details).
You will also need a BBC micro:bit v2; you will need it for labs 6 onwards and assignments in the second half of the course.
If you are not on ANU campus any point before week 6, it is your responsibility to obtain a microbit
Information will be on this website#
This is the main website for the course, not Wattle. Make sure you understand the course policies, and you can read all the lab content right now.
Ed is your best way to get help#
The COMP2300/6300/ENGN2219 forum is hosted on Ed. This is your best and quickest way to get help with any aspect of the course during the semester. The lecturers and tutors will be available there to answer your questions.
Assessment items are the same#
All students have the same assignments, tests, and exam.
Assignments and submissions will be on GitLab#
Submissions of assignments will happen on our GitLab site. Make sure you can log in and access it from where you are. See course policies for the assignment information on late submissions and extensions.
No online labs#
Unfortunately, online labs are no longer running since 2024. The labs are very self-directed so you can do them yourself while online and ask us for help on the forum. It is highly recommended you come on campus as soon as possible to make use of the tutor support at the physical labs though.