
  1. research different methods of timekeeping and ways of observing the passage of time.
  2. explore personal, historical, social connotations of time.
  3. create an animated sketch which depicts a personal, novel or unconventional notion or representation of time.


Welcome back to another creative computing class! As we have mentioned before, every other week in this course, we will be dedicating the entire workshop to creating a creative code sketch in response to a provocation. You will then go on to talk about your creations in our creative computing blog. You’ll remember that for the last blog post we asked you to create your own version of an album cover or film poster of your choosing. You all did a fantastic job!

This week, your task is to design an animated representation of the passing of time (I hesitate to use the word clock, because we do not want conventional clocks). Up until week 3, we were only been working with static sketches (i.e. sketches that don’t change over time). In week 4 we introduced you to a few concepts which enabled you to make dynamic sketches i.e. ones that change over time.

do: If you didn’t get a chance to work through the content from week 4, you can find the content through the lab 4 web page on the course site. Feel free to spend a bit of time going over it before you come back to this week’s content.

Provocation of the day

As you’ll remember from last week, the code sketches you make today must be in response to the provocation below. A provocation is a word or phrase which can be interpreted and used as a source of inspiration in creative activities.

think: “Time will tell”. Your provocation of the day is to design an animated representation of passing time (i.e. a type of clock) which depicts either a personal, unconventional or novel representation of time. The clock must be animated – meaning it must change over time. The clock should be personal, unconventional or novel – these aspects are up for interpretation (you MUST avoid conventional, numeric and radial clock-face based representations of time).

Part 1: What even is time?

Well…you tell me. As with any good design process, we will spend the first quarter of this class doing a “research sprint”. This involves brainstorming and finding examples of the different ways time is represented, observed, or recorded. Below are some questions to get you started on your research.

  1. List as many ways as you can think of for representing time?
  2. Are there different granularities of time? If so, what are they?
  3. How do you personally perceive time? Does your perception of time change?
  4. Do you associate any emotions, imagery or symbols with specific moments of time?
  5. How do different cultures measure/record time? How have they recorded time in the past?
  6. How does time influence its observer?
  7. Are there any fictional or fantastical interpretations of time?
  8. How is time perceived in the more than human world?

do: For the next few minutes, write down as many interpretations/connotations as you can in relation to time, keeping in mind that we are aspiring to make a representation of time which is unconventional/novel/personal. You can use the questions above to help you. This is a timed activity. It is also an individual activity, so work on your own (I promise you’ll be able to talk to your classmates soon!). Your instructors will tell you when to start and when time is up.

talk: share some of the interpretations you wrote down with the person next to you. Talk about how some of these interpretations might look as a visual dynamic sketch in p5.js.

Part 2: make a blueprint

Now that you have generated a few ideas and shared them with a classmate, select one representation of time which you think is personal/novel/unconventional. Flip your piece of paper over, we are going to draw a rough blueprint of what your idea will look like in a p5.js sketch.

do: Draw a rough blueprint (by hand) of what you want your sketch to look like and how you expect it to change over time (maybe draw several sketches of what your clock will look like over time).

Part 3: make your clock

Fork and clone the lab 6 template repo.

You will see that there is already some code in your template repo which utilises the Date and Time functions second(), minute() and hour(). You will probably have to use at least one of these functions to drive the dynamism in your sketch.

How do the Time and Date functions work?

Each time you see the hour() function appear in your code, you can picture it being replaced by the current hour of the day. You can use the hour() function anywhere where p5.js expects you to give it data. For example, in the circle() function below, p5.js expects you to provide data as arguments of the function, namely xposition, yposition and radius and it interprets this data as numbers. Since the hour() function gives us a the current hour-of-day as numeric data, we can replace any of the slots below with the hour() function call. In this case we are multiplying the current hour by ten, hour()*10, which will still be a number :)

circle(xposition, yposition, hour()*10)

do: Make a start on coding your clock sketch. If you’re not sure how to implement an idea in code or you want to discuss some ideas you’ve had, ask one of your instructors. You can replace the code in your template. The code which is currently in there is just to show you how to use the Date and Time functions.

think: In addition to hour(), minute() and second() there are additional date and time functions provided by p5.js including day(), month(), year() and millis(). day(), month() and year() refer to expected values from our common Gregorian calendar based on the clock accessed from the browser environment. millis() derives its value from the number of milliseconds elapsed since the sketch started running! P5.js includes a global variable frameCount which increments by one for every frame that is rendered. As frames are rendered over time, you can use this to monitor and represent the passing of time - although without much accuracy! The rate at which frames are to be drawn can be set using the p5.js function frameRate(). When frameRate() is called without a parameter, it answers the current number of frames rendered per second. To dive deeper, and help give much more accuracy to movement over time, p5.js provides the global variable deltaTime. deltaTime holds the number of milliseconds it took to render the last frame. For even greater accuracy (if this matters to your representation of time), JavaScript provides the Performance API. How might you use these functions to shape your representation of time?

Part 4: What to include in your blog post?

You will be discussing what you created in class in your blog post which is due at 17:00 on Wednesday 19 May.

A reminder that we are not assessing the “quality” of the sketches you present in the blog post. The blog posts are just a way for you to regularly sketch with code and reflect on your work.

Screenshots and/or screen recordings

We want to see the thing! Add at least one screenshot/screen recording of what you made. Since your sketch is dynamic, include 2-3 screenshots of what you made taken over time (your screenshots should be distinct from each other). Alternatively you can take a 30 second screen recording of your sketch. You can also include pictures of representations of time that inspired you.


We want to read the thing! Write a short paragraph which covers the following discussion points:

  1. tell us a bit about how you chose to represent time and how it changes over time?
  2. talk about whether your sketch draws on any personal, historical, social or cultural connotations of time.
  3. discuss any challenges you found when coding your sketch
  4. discuss something you like about your sketch

Contexts: This blog post, your reflection and analysis should focus on the social aspects of the perception of time through visual media. What are the meanings of time in our society? How does time structure our lives? How important is time to our social behaviours? You may use your findings from the research sprint questions to inform your discussion about the contexts.

do: Once you’ve finished with the lab, make sure you commit and push your work to git so that it’s safe and sound on the ANU servers.


Congratulations! In this lab you:

  1. brainstormed different methods of timekeeping and ways of observing the passage of time.
  2. explored personal, historical, social connotations of time.
  3. created an animated sketch which depicts a personal, novel or unconventional notion of time.
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